
lmao you literally did the libertarian “it’s ephebophilia aaackshually” to defend a rapist. 

but she not responsible for driving anyone to suicide.”

Or he shoots and kills a bunch of them, it’s Arizona with concealed permitless carry.

“So, because you personally expected the story not to imitate the previous stories, that made TLJ banal, while instead, just doing what we had before, and turning Luke into exactly Ben Kenobi from the OT would’ve been...not banal?”

“It’s weird to hear someone complain that a character’s unexpected fallibility and humanity are “banal” while also complaining that the story didn’t give them the black-and-white good vs. evil romp they were expecting. Banality is all about things being boring because they went as expected.”

They can help to make a good Star Wars story but they aren’t as important and mythic good vs evil spectacle.


Thematically the TLJ subplot is strong. Its also pretty good from a psychological realism viewpoint when it comes to character development. Both are Jonhnson’s forte. What Johnson didn’t get and what a lot of people who really like TLJ forget is that neither of those things make a good Star Wars film.

True, Elgort isn’t great. Everyone in the cast is better than him really.

I mean he was until he had a completely bullshit character turnaround at the end to deux ex machina a way out for Baby Driver. So in the end its Foxx who is worse.

That’s pretty weird of you, I just liked his phrasing.

Eh the Spacey thing was the least of my issues, it’s vaguely racist with Jamie Foxx the black guy being the only really evil criminal and boringly authoritarian and small c conservative with BD having to go to jail at the end. 

In the words of Bourdain - Fuck Baby Driver.

Weirdly enough I think it’s silly to compare these two despite the high concept being the same. WHD is a fun late 90's action throwback something that would have fitted in nicely after Die Hard With A Vengeance and before The Matrix and it’s does it very well indeed. Olympus Has Fallen otoh is a fun 80's throwback

Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs is probably the closest.

So they are be classist against themselves by mocking the environment in which they were raised?

A very underrated director. His supernatural horror is of course the most well known and great fun. However I think his very best work is the non supernatural horror/thriller/commentary Stuck with Stephen Rea (in maybe his best ever film role) and Mena Suvari. based a true story about a nurse who hits a homeless man

You’re welcome. It was a good discussion.

I forgot he wrote Dredd, yes that’s fantastic too. And yeah pretty sure Devs is going to be great. Cold is definitely the word I’d use for Annihilation.

“Although I’m sure an argument exists saying that those two things are synonymous within the context of that film.”