
I was a big fan of Ex Machina and his work with Danny Boyle but his Annihilation adaptation rubbed me the wrong way, far far too much indie fantasy and sci-fi just boils down to “it’s a metaphor for depression” but Garland couldn’t even do it as subtext. Still looking forward to checking out Dev when I have some free

Season 2 perhaps. But 1 is almost perfectly paced.

This is a feature of dumb/insecure critics clinging to realism and eschewing the more “fun” genre stuff to seem smarter than they are. A truly great critic makes no distinction between genre/pulp and more “literary” stuff because they aren’t quality markers just types of storytelling.

It seriously did not need to be 10 episodes. True Detective told a deep supernaturally tinged procedural/murder mystery that spanned over 20 years in 8 episodes and that was a far richer experience than this. Don’t get me wrong, The Outsider was very very enjoyable but bloated for no reason I can see.

“Left wing elites” aren’t a thing in the US. Liberals are not left wing.

I can’t disagree

I am 3 and a half eps in so sure it may walk that scene back or present new info that casts it in a different light.

Yeah I’m 3 and half eps in at this point. If it does turn into a “hire more women drone operators” though it would not be surprising.

I don’t think it is either, but then authorial intent is less important now than ever for some.

But yeah. Well 3 and half eps in anyway.

Depicting government rules about use of firearms by police getting a officer murdered by a white supremacist certainly confirms a lot of conservative views about government services being a joke.

The black officer murdered by a white supremacist because he needed to get bureaucratic authority to use his weapon. I thought it was a great scene but it really pissed off some people, they thought Lindelof was advocating for less gun control for police. Good ole’ recognitions was not happy.

So someone made a film about TheMovieBob’s violent revenge fantasies against the red stater’s but at least they realised he’s the bad guy in those scenarios unlike him.

Its not that suprizing seeing as Watchmen trolled liberals big time especially about the police and guns.

Thank you yes, everyone was like “ooh how progressive making Dracula queer” or whatever but, like with True Blood before it making allegories and allusions to gay/queer stuff when your subject is a rapey, disease spreading inhuman evil monster is... misguided at best. Yes the Stoker novel is full of sexual undertones

A refreshing change to get one of the Kazan family on the side of the oppressed and not the oppressors, even if it is only fiction.

I have yeah. I love Loach too and think the pile on of misery is pretty standard for many people experiencing this part of the economy and society.

That is indeed part of the joke, well done.

“you have to wonder if it’s really society, and not just the screenplay, stacking the deck against the Turners”

Gender flip the remake, it’s the only way.