
And of course that’s Carmody was right meaning the universe is indeed run by an angry vengeful old testament god which is truly terrifying.

Content” in the context being used here is a problem because it reduces down art (of whatever brow) to merely something to show on e.g Netflix. Netflix doesn't really care what that content is just that is has a lot of it. For anyone seriously concerned with representation or pushing art forward this is dangerous

Scorsese definitely appreciates his position and uses it to specifically push for more inclusion of films made by non white none male artists.

In the wake of last summer’s protests and the vile reaction from the authorities why is this progressive website still bothering with avowedly pro- “cop” content?

This coming from the person who responds to everyone with bad faith arguments.

This article doesn’t mention at any point the fact that Buffalo Bill murders women. It literally treats them as someone who wasn’t portrayed with enough sensitivity...a literal serial killer of women.

Yeah, why DON'T we like the serial killer Buffalo Bill more?! Great point!

his outdated diagnosis is giving audiences a pass”

I didn't mention incestuous stuff I mentioned he's transgressing boundaries and ignoring consent (because using someone's sex you when they've said you can't is violating consent of course). Sure we don't know if he has a job but if he wants a sex toy that badly he can get one or he asks for an Amazon voucher or

Then you have the memory of a goldfish. Big wins for you here.

And to think you tried so hard to show you didn’t care.

What do you mean "Or" ?

Glad you agree then.

Failing to be a rape apologist is good yes.

Im terrible at supporting rapist

A bona fide fact would mean conclusive proof of a crime that is known to be incredibly difficult to prove as the stats for rape convictions and prosecutions show.

I’ve already answered both of those points. Obviously you can ignore them if you like, after all no one has said you aren’t allowed to despite your first reply to me pretending otherwise.

So like no has said you’re not allowed to. And you’ve done global surveys and the matter as well. Wow.

Have you been told you're not allowed to do that? Wow.
