
Its been bizarre to see newer films in a franchise assume making their older heroes failures is a good way to sell tickets but hopefully with their Box Office failures it’s a trend that’s very much done.

Not really a fan of either but for everyone trying hard to separate a film about Nazis from the Holocaust don’t bother. It’s impossible. 

Unsure how “taken care of in a nurturing way” can be read as anything traditionally coded as traditionally masculine.

faultline coming up

Indeed, the idea that characters earn things or go on journeys isn’t a metric for quality but just one way of constructing a story. English fiction is much less focused on growth and learning of the main characters but on their reactions to circumstance and coincidence.

He’s a very specific type that is usually male but there’s nothing that stops a woman from behaving in the same way, especially not decades later.

So do they make Cherise an angry nerdy elitist asshole? ‘Cus if not, no dice.

Exactly as pithy as my asking for a citation for the initial fart-huffing “audiences are dumb” take.

Yes, I genuinely expected a citation from Laurence of course. Hmm.

Expecting citations from one person but not another isn’t how citations work either and yet you still thought you had something. Now that’s childish.

Jojo Rabbit is going to age as well as Life Is Beautiful imo. It’s not as awful but it’s not great.

Better about what?

Sure coming up soon as the citation for the original claim appears.

Nice one, I’d mixed up when Nero was from. Thanks.

Ah thank you. I got it now, had mixed up when Nero was from.

So this is set in the Kelvin timeline then? Because if so that sucks very hard. Still going to watch but what’s the point in setting it in a timeline that’s lasted for only 3 films and has basically been abandoned?

Most critics are also dumb so it balances it out nicely.

Can’t wait ‘til he’s twitter cancelled for Creosote.

Consumer testing is done and these products appeal to huge numbers of people. What they wouldn’t do is for example, release a hot sauce and then scrap it because they had a few people say they didn’t like hot sauces.

It’s actually more analogous to“If you don’t like something about the country run for office or support those running who you agree with” but of course that’s an eminently sensible take and makes your analogy look like the nonsense it is. Try again?