
The the people who have a problem with it can make the games to their taste if it’s so important to them they can learn the skills and take the risks and reap the rewards. It’s not a good or compalling argument for saying that others aren’t doing it the way you want it done.

“about a thousand studies to back up how important representation in media is to the emotional and mental health of people from marginalized groups”

I have acknowledged his flaws you read the posts that did that so why you’re pretending I haven’t is weird.

Soze is compelling. WW is compelling and badass and genius these are great things.

Rory Kinnear is in it so...

“So you think murdering your own family to make a point is a good thing... Okay.”

Fair play on this point ES. I misread “I have yet to hear a credible report of someone actually having sex with one” as “I have yet to hear a credible report of someone actually wanting sex with one”

You’re claiming you’ve never heard of fanfic/slashfic? LMAO.

“Anyone can get what they want if they don’t care about the consequences.”

“He got what he wanted—money for his family”

Astonishing you can understand this and yet still pretend that acknowledging the badass nature of a fictional character means the person doing so hero worships them. 

Because you’d never be able to.

“And at what cost?”

Life was a very fun movie, not the Eddie Murphy one.

It’s honestly beautiful that this is the film that’s causing AVC to go off on one, the site holds the Oscars largely in contempt as any arbiter of quality and so many films that the site doesn’t like have been nominated for BP and won it too. But this one is making them shit a brick and there’s just no good reason for

Not sure why those things about my post are relevant but I too was making a joke, hence the whole “winner for most reductive take” bit in a comment section about oscars.

Winner for most reductive’s MrSmith1466

He’s going to win and all the people here who drag the Academy as being out of touch and staid are still going to whine and cry, and it will be awesome.
