
How is there no nice middle ground between Abrams who’s basically just a grifter and people like Hawley and Johnson who want everything to be an MFA version of the franchises. At least Johnson has real talent usually. Hawley’s awful. Just give it to Brad Bird or even Verbinski.

I just realised and tried to edit comment but it’s after the time limit.

So we agree then I think. Cool.

Lots of people ignore the badass side of the character, they see no redeeming (at a fictional level) features in him at all. Focusing just on the evil whinyness not will to power, the will power and the brilliance is real dumb and real pointless.

More like hack a loogie. Because Hawley’s a hack, see.

A power hungry badass who carved himself into a demigod out of sheer will power. Now of course he was an evil whiny egotistical shitbag, but ignoring either side of the character is really dumb.

“It says something about how much we’re willing to be patient and forgive someone who inhabits a body that looks something like mine, the color of my skin, my gender, these sorts of things, these sorts of privileges.”

You can be progressive and have more boobs, they aren’t pretending really.

Are you reading it in the English translation?  Apparently in the original polish the tongue in cheek and satirical tone is much more obvious.

No, they’re equally stupid things for people to concern themselves about.

Found Jonathan Yaniv

Remember that when your racist kids get the shit kicked out of them for being racists. YOU made them that way, so really it’s your fault.

When you swap out Tolkien for Abercrombie for the middle section of your trilogy you’re a moron. Abrams, Kennedy, Iger all dumb. Johnson is just doing his thing but it’s astonishing that critics ignored what a terrible fit he was for 18 months and are now surprised Disney are having to walk it all back.

What’s funny is the people moaning about how you can’t separate the art from the artist would also trot out the ole’ “death of the author” stuff the second their opinion on a piece of art was contradicted by the artist.

Of course you can, it’s incredibly easy. Every single person who doesn’t know who the creator of a piece of art is still has a completely valid and legitimate opinion on the art itself. There, art and artist separated completely.

*Theist not deist.

The MFA thing is joke about the writing program really.

See this what I think is dull and overrated - the idea that injecting psychological realism into mythic archetype characters is better than them being mythic archetypes. For some, probably the majority of stories then yes it’s good but it smacks of MFA nonsense to try to do it with Star Wars, Superman, The Matrix

I’m not saying he’s Superman, I used that as an example of writer and director not understanding how to make drama compelling with an enlightened wholly good character. By the end of ROTJ Luke has conquered his flaws and the flaws of the Jedi before him. Of course the irony is TLJ made him more Jesus like, he’s

Sure we can disagree amicably. The dark side is not balance it’s the absence of balance. Psychological realism is overrated in mythic cinema, sure a real person can’t be truly benevolent or purely good but this is fiction. Superman has conflict externally more than internally which is exactly what they should have