
Luke is an evolution of what has come before and is indeed good and enlightened at the end of the OT.

I did like that in Rogue One the resistance are not above murdering assets etc, their spies anyway, but then that movie is about the rogues and grey hats. The actual SW saga is not.

It’s astonishingly dumb to leave it up to the last film in a trilogy to blaze it’s own path, it means the final film is overstuffed with plot and trying to tie it to character development that hasn’t happened for anyone but Rey and Kylo. Which is exactly what TROS is having to do.

It’s because the only criticism of TLJ that was given any attention was the reactionary stuff, and that was because it was easy to dismiss. Had professional critics and twitter morons bothered to engage with the solid critiques of TLJ they’d understand what more of the fans wanted and why they were disappointed and

A plan that alienated a core but taken for granted base to appeal to a set of people more interested in signalling they were more intelligent than the people who’d been overlooked. Yep no parallels there.

I’d say what Ren tells her is meant to be confirmation of what Rey saw in the cave on Ach To which is that she’s not got a lineage she’s just her own person. Of course it’s never shown to be 100% correct and Ren is untrustworthy (well he’s a bad guy) so it can be interpreted differently yeah.

Imagine denying yourself the enjoyment of a piece of art or entertainment because of the behaviour of random other people who also enjoy it.

“Jedis’ embracing both sides of the force”  - this is exactly what’s wrong with TLJ and also KOTOR 2, it’s creators incapable of imagining purely good and enlightened characters. It’s like when Snyder couldn’t conceive of a truly benevolent unconflicted Superman. 

Yeah but ESB came after ANH which had the 3 main characters together way more than TFA did. Now with TROS we’re at the final film and the 3 leads haven’t all interacted together much at all.

It’s a Frasier farce level of misunderstanding. “Oopsy Ben just came to visit you in the middle of the night with my lighsaber out and oh oops just turned it on as you woke up, how inconvenient”

Exactly, every defense of Luke’s character in TLJ rests on the dull, achingly over praised idea of “but he’s human and humans don’t always remember lessons they learned and can still fail and be wrong”. Anyone who wants Star Wars to written by someone with an MFA is too enamoured with the smell of their own farts.

Bingo, aside from the great idea to have Rey be a nobody (which because of TLJ’s and TFA’s other failures, has now been retconned) it added nothing both new AND good and instead implied the resistance were complicit in lots of bad things, just what people want from their mythic cinema, yes sure.

Says a lot about the state of “legitimate” (ha) film criticism.

Your memory isn’t that good unfortunately because Luke went from whiny to being an evolution of the Jedi and put right their failures while mastering his temptation towards the dark side. 

It couldn’t be used to set up something daring because it doesn’t set anything up.

It’s because collectively AVC is biased against Joker - the worst films of 2019 list shows that.

Analysis like this:

I know what you’re saying it’s such a rehash of Kundun, Age of Innocence, Hugo and After Hours

fisthand witness

Smartphones and changed up highschool in ways light hearted comedies aren’t really ready to deal with yet.