
It’s bizarre you think critics aren’t influenced by group think, everyone is influenced by their peers. Bias is natural and to pretend there isn’t bias is far more stupid than people pointing it out. The fact you’re framing people pointing this out as some weird conspiracy theory paranoia instead of accepting that

Why do you want to show there’s no bias against the film? Shitty job putting words in my mouth too.

Any leader offering the Labour party’s version of social democracy and foreign policy will be equally demonised by the Guardian and 90% of all other british media. Most labour members are more aware of the bias present in the british media and understand capitulating to them will not solve anything. Heck even Ed

Yes Jesse one guy and then the collective vote put it on the worst of list. That means the AVC are biased against the film. How can you not work this out?

Maga dudes famous for their concern about mental illness and for profit healthcare, of course.

The people with victim complexes are the ones who stoked up fearmongering nonsense and moral panics about the movie.

Guys like Bramesco and Ehrlich, oh wait.

Good job they specifically focused on the plight of poor people in a coastal city thereby negating the charge of moral cowardice (a nonsense charge anyway in the context of “leave it open to the viewer”).

Correct but as people have made clear racism is prejudice plus power and by breaking up the power of major capitalist institutions racism can be reduced to prejudice without power.

Your comment is pure racism. You’ll be invoking “predators” next. You sick fuck.

The pandering is simple pandering not masquerading as woke.

Dear shitting christ Briehan:

Your impotent rage is always funny.

They are two of the most powerful forces in the world and they are frequently wrong and dangerous and this is a film about a real scenario in which they were wrong, what happens in the film that means it’s an analogy for Trump and only Trump? If you didn’t know Eastwood directed it what in the film would show you that

It’s the execution of the idea that Luke is as fallible as he was before he learned to control his temptation that is unsatisfying and that it turns him into a failure when we’d just spent the previous film learning about another hero being a failure. Of course it’s driving a lot of the dislike yeah. It turns Luke

If they can ignore midichlorians and ignore even stuff in TFA they can ignore whatever they like as long as they do it well.

Luke was never an addict though, and just because it’s humanly possible to forget the biggest lesson you’ve ever learned that changed the course of the Galaxy it doesn’t follow it’s satisfying for someone to forget it, especially as it’s introduced and done with over a few scenes of one movie.

I blame a bunch of people for not being savvy enough to swerve Lucas’ later work yeah. Mainly Abrams though.

Not for the lucky few of us who can completely forget the PT exists.

Luke worked for his powers and worked to combat the danger that comes with inheriting them over the course of ESB and ROTJ. There’s no antiquated notion of inherited power that isn’t explored and dealt with over the course of the OT. Luke had already learned his lessons but TLJ suggests, with it’s botched Rashomon