
I absolutely love the Ricky Jay narration.

Well played.

You’re not racist you swear you just loved the bit where 3 people of colour get told off for not trusting an old white woman who wasn’t being honest with them.

Signalling received. Have a cookie.

Brick and Looper are fucking fantastic and Brother’s Bloom, while a little twee for me personally is superb. But he was a terrible choice to direct and write a middle part of a trilogy that had no proper story plan for the films. I totally get why he wanted to give people a “full meal” with TLJ but it ultimately meant

How come LMM isn’t cancelled yet?

It’s pretty obvious why and how it failed - they made Sarah Connor a failure for no good reason and killed off JC to do it.

Same tbf, I think I just got twitter poisoned with this one.

The Elon Musk/techno libertarian shit has killed any love I had for her music.

Yeah thats what I mean, thats she on at all is a troll. Haha.

Grimes on the list at all and Solange at number 5. Well trolled AVC, well trolled.

There’s nothing wrong with using male and/or female, the people who object to saying “female” are simply using a very specialised and “elitist” set of rules that are designed to catch out people not au fait with their cultural cachet, don’t let it worry you,you’ll never experience it in the real world unless you end

He’s a hack because his most acclaimed show just copies the very best bits of the Coen’s but with less wit and style and his novel just copies a few bits of Lost but with less of the fun.

Oh you can be PC and a mega asshole, the AVC has their very own pet troll who does it.

People were making nasty comments about jews disguised as jokes and jokes themselves about jews long before South Park started. In fact Cartman is based off those prejudices not the other way round.

So the new atheists all got a fucking hard-on about the fact there’s no proof of the existence of god. It’s an incredible anchor for the insecure and angry to cling to as it’s incontrovertibly true, an easy and solid grounding from which they can make ludicrous attacks on anyone or anything to make themselves seem

“depicting that on TV wouldn’t fly in today’s age”

Oh there’s ways to get him to stop, been done before but it requires treating him like you would have a nu-atheist back in the day.

“but I do not get judging a work by its audience and dragging it into every conversation”

This is the case, and it’s also true of The Simpsons as well which is why no-one seems to age.