
Britta is never shown as being “boring” that’s Shirley. Britta is a fantastic character for being such confused, well meaning but fucked up slacktivist, left behind by what not having moved on from what was cool when she was a teenager in the 90's.

The show doesn’t and in fact can’t engage in “problematic” (whatever that absurdly broad label means to you) behaviour because it’s a TV show not a person.

You’re the same as them just with a different target to rile.

Pretty weird to put that in the mouth of the supposed gg’er version of the fans who love the meta-commentary.

That Quvenzhané Wallis huh? What a [redacted]. The good old Onion days.

Your arguments about Scorsese are stupid. If you’re so sensitive that people telling you youmade a stupid argument means you go straight for the ad hom but then accuse someone else of making an ad hom when they hadn’t you’re going to have a tough time.

Heh this is probably true. My GF is 5'9 and likes having a taller partner so she’d get mad when shorter girls were snapping up the 6ft+ guys but yeah it’s the fact it’s just more noticeable I guess.

Aside from the fact you don’t know what an argument actually is and have a bizarre definition of internet tough guy you literally made the adhom attack first but then you throw a tantrum when you mistakenly think you’ve read one about you. Real smart.

And it’ll be fucking superb anyway.

LOL, 5ft women are generally the worst for wanting 6ft plus men, what is Dan talking about.

Makes sense that someone who falls for ingroup/outgroup bullshit would also make the stupid arguments you do, MC.

Yes stupid arguments are often very easy.

The reason the food analogy doesn’t work completely is that we all literally need food to live so having cheap, fast empty calories serves a genuine need. Marvel do not. Actual art like Scorsese films serve a genuine need but one far less important than food.

No it’s McDonalds, it’s corporate designed emptiness put together by a lot of people who work hard at the production level. That’s it.

Absolutely butchered it.

Agreed and Russell Crowe for Asriel

Killing John Connor off means the film will be looked at far less fondly from fans of the first two movies as he’s what the entire films revolve around. Bringing Hamilton back is a great move that’s completely negated by her being a failure at her one job.

It makes sense because other stories have done it, it’s still lazy.

Wait what - so Alex Lawther isn’t in this season? Damn, interest just peaked then completely crashed.

Venezuela ? Ahahahaha. Oh my god you americans are so cute with your backyard aren’t ya.