
Dear lord I’m sorry, but you should end the relationship and stop hanging out with the other woman too. The second is obvious - she’s a sociopathic drama queen. And the reasoning for the first move is that your gf enjoys sociopathic drama, or at least baiting sociopathic drama queens which is basically the same thing.

It’s going to be so sweet when everyone just goes back to the high seas instead of sign up to what’s basically an updated cable package but with more admin time.

It’s not a literal McGuffin no, it’s far lazier than inventing something like that, but if they’re the only two options they had it again shows how lazy and hacky they are.

It’s hacky lazy bullshit whoever does it.

Eh at this point those fans just give them that reception because they feel like it annoys the other fans they regard as toxic.

Yeah true it works in a short story or film where there needs to be some quick way of disbanding an army but in a series that the network is basically offering near unltd time to complete it’s nothing but laziness.

Ok but I charge for lying.

Many people complained about GoT way before season 8 and pointed to DnD as being the cause. What happened was a critical mass of people turned on the show to make it seem like the complaints are all about S8 only but that’s just some people’s perception.

They can’t reveal those films are also dead in the water until after Rise of Skywalker is out, but it’s going to be hilarious when they do. KKJJRJ really did fuck the franchise completely.

Is Hardhome the one where they introduce the hacky lazy writer gimmick of if you kill the head vampire all his thralls die too? Because while the action (not DnD’s dept) was great, as usual the plotting was big old bullshit.

No-one really though DnD were great they just liked to use them to bag on Martin. And it blew up in those critics faces as much as it DnD’s. Glorious.

Pascal gonna die in the first ep

You’re right of course, and generally all other reviews I’ve seen have been positive, it was just a bit of a downer for this to be the first article I read no more than 30 minutes after dropping 50 quid on the game.

woke up early this morning (UK time) to download TOW before work, paid my £50, set to download, leave the house, get to work get online and immediately read this. Damn. Still I’m sure it’ll keep me going until Fallen Order or Cyberpunk.

Oh yeah of course it was true then as well. No the point I was trying to make was that when the AVC had an article about the The Office recently a lot of commenters were saying the humour was inappropriate and offensive and the show was bad because of that. Which is ridiculous but also very much a real position people

Eh to be fair the last time there was an article specifically about that a lot of people btl were bagging on the show for exactly that.

Exactly, and they could have just wrapped guns in what they use to make Terminator flesh and taken them with the Terminator into the past, which would have made for some cool Cronenberg type visuals.

“ but at the same time he didn’t want to steer away from the original dynamic in any meaningful way, so he just replicated it entirely and hand-waved it with a few lines of dialogue.”

Oh wow, I didn’t know this and it makes Johnson and Kennedy look really dumb.

Yeah it’s one of the major problems this 3rd film has to overcome and Abrams isn’t creative or daring enough to do it. He’ll rehash a bit of ROTJ and a bit of ROTS. And it’s not just the plot but the characterisations lack the depth of 2 films worth of material because the  1st is all set up and the second, while