
Fucking boo to this, Amazon need to get their Culture series adaptation sorted first.

They’re gonna walk back the only really good bit - Rey’s parents being no-ones.

It sort of is, he didn’t bother coming up with a 3 film arc so left himself open to a director who didn’t care about arcs making a hash of the overall plot, and then he was part of the group of people who hired a director who didn’t care about the 3 film arc.

today’s viewers might find connecting emotionally to angry disturbed men a challenge”

Pfeiffer was so so good as Catwoman and the film’s version of Kyle too. And so so hot. Probably warped me seeing it age 11 though, along with Coppola’s Dracula.

Well it has trust in one institution the church but that’s because it’s a film about exorcism being real. But others such as medicine/science are seen as helpless at best, actively part of the torture the demon is putting Regan and her mother through at worse, and the torture of both them is a key point in the

As a timely counterpoint to a corporation using faux progressivism to serve a military-industrial agenda and make bags of cash at the same time it was frankly really good and even without that fortunate timing, really fun.

like a pig

Bill Burr’s funny, get over it. So’s Zach Galifianakis.

No-one suggested vegans hadn’t asked themselves this. Still always nice to see SP doing a fine job of getting someone like ciemme who takes themselves too seriously worked up.

An excellent way to not worry about what critics think but also keep them on side.

Anyone who self-censors themselves from saying words when they’re completely alone is either a moron, so ideologically blinded as to effectively be  a moron or lying.


And yet people say they want the apologies to be honest

“Self-limitation out of consideration for how one’s actions and/or words affect others requires first being affected by that consideration.”

Allowing yourself to be affected and limiting what you do Are. Totally. Different. Things. You. Fucking. Moron.

puts so much pressure on himself”

You wouldn’t have responded if you didn’t care. But I accept your concession anyway.

When they’re already on the internet it’s more than 3% and if they aren’t interested they wouldn’t be reading your post anyway, you sweet summer child.

Nah they just google it and do the work themselves. Quicker AND easier.