Mirror Universe Trump

There is no part of that sentence that makes sense. (1) Vaginas do not menstruate (2) menstruation is not secret (3) menstruation is not brilliant (4) is her vagina some sort of misanthropic genius, the Dr. House of her body (5) what.

I don’t know how you can even write the words “a vagina that menstruated in its secret, brilliant way each month” and expect to be taken seriously.

I’m pretty sure she is just “aging” because she is also a “jockey.” I’d imagine low-pay jockeying gigs are a younger (wo)mans game.

Yeah, that detail seemed kinda unnecessary. She’s only 43.

Perhaps, but then he would whip out the Turn water into wine tricks, and everything would be ok again.*

He always seemed somewhat irritated with people, particularly his apostles.

That’s one of the reasons why I really like JC Superstar’s portrayal of him— he’s kind, but he’s also infuriatingly hard to get along with, and you see why people see him as a threat.

He also cursed a fig tree just because it didn’t have figs for him to eat.

Those were bankers.  It’s okay to wreck their shit.

The obo administration? Woodwindgate!

According to Stormy Daniels Trump didn’t use Trojans

Interestingly enough Trump goes without the Trojan

I’m confident Roseanne would manage to unite them all.

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That was amusing and clever. Here, have a star!

Now I want Fletcher Baptism to be the name of my Stryper cover band.

The Mustgrave Ritual gave me the creeps, in the best way. But I think The Man With the Twisted Lip may be my favorite of the Jeremy Brett ones. And The Norwood Builder may be the one that I find the campiest. I also have a soft spot forever for The Blue Carbuncle.

“Fletcher Baptism” sounds like a particularly disgusting porn search term.

the whole first movie kinda felt like “We’d show more of this, but we ran out of money”. Kinda like Smokin’ Aces, or some other low-budget “action” movie that only has enough time/location/effects for the really important shit.

The lack of development on new characters goes all the way back to Singer vehemently ignoring so much of First Class for his egotrip continuity wank DoFP. DoFP is still a... fine... movie, but it’s not as good as First Class and completely halted any forward momentum in the franchise by so resolutely refusing to move