Mirror Universe Trump

“well-built building”

Does this make Trump Tower the world’s largest dumpster?

Funny you should ask:

I’ll take that action. Your last gamble lost the entire country to Russia, after all.

Can’t even let something like this go by without finding a way to polish your own knob in the process, can ya Donnie? Fucking prick.

His building is made out of beautiful clean coal. To this day it’s a mystery why it keeps catching on fire.

Because he wrote the tweet. Firefighter probably isn’t in his vocabulary.

I wonder if FEMA will show up and Trump has a photo op passing out paper towels?

Liar Liar, tower on fire

According to some reports, the fire initially began in the president’s pants storage area.

I like buildings that don’t catch on fire.

How long did it take him to comment on domestic terrorist attacks compared to this???

Real shame about those Canadian kids! But anyway, back to me!

“I have all the best building fires!”

It took him a week or two to tweet about the fires north of San Francisco and LA last Summer that killed four dozen people and destroyed more than 10,000 structures, including destroying entire neighborhoods in Santa Rosa and helping trigger a massive mudslide in Santa Barbara county that killed two dozen people.

Are we going to have to pay for this?

Only the second fire this year!

Well built building. What a fucking asshole. We’ve lost all rights as a country to tell another country they’re fucked up and crazy.

The fact that he had to point out how well his building is built, despite someone being seriously injured tells you just how egoistic this maniac is.