Mirror Universe Trump

I’m pretty sure that Storm just stops speaking after the first 5 minutes of the movie, and doesn’t have any more dialogue until she switches sides at the end.

I read an interview with him how, when he started acting, he was no good, but he hired a coach and really worked on it. And you can really see it in Bladerunner. Drax is such an outsized role, I was impressed that he could do understated and instense too.

Shit dude I have no idea about wrestling and have no idea of what he did in that arena. He may have been the bushwackers second cousin, I just knew thats where he got his legs. Wrestling in my book is just a soap opera with less writing and a chance of injury.

My theory is that they held off the Quicksilver/Magneto reveal to lure Fassbender back for another movie, but good Lord that was bad. His freaking son is standing right there, but he’s brought back to the good guys side because Jennifer Lawrence asked him real nice. That movie had a lot of potential, but they dropped

Yeah Blade Runner sold me on him. He’s great in Guardians but thats a bit of the broad arena that (where he peppered in a bit of nuance) still was in that sort of over the top arena where wrestlers or athletes can maybe be good at a one style delivery. I mean the Rock kind of flexed a less cartoonish voice for that

He’s really pretty good definitely one of the best... if not the best wrestler turned actor

Some of his fight scenes were fun

Good for Weigel for correcting himself and apologizing, which was the responsible thing to do. Now if Trump would like to pick any one of a thousand lies to correct and apologize for, that would be a start.

Dave Weigel is a good reporter. Back in his Slate days, when he did more pundit-type stuff, he made it pretty clear he was more libertarian than liberal. He tweeted something from his personal account, realized it was incorrect, deleted it, and apologized. Which is a much, MUCH higher standard than Trump holds himself

No shit!

YMMV, of course, but... I’ve been a Dino nut since before I can remember. You know the three year old correcting their parents on the pronunciation of “Parasaurolophus?” That was me. I still get chills walking up to Sue at the Field Museum

Let me shock everyone here by reminding everyone that whenever Trump tweets a poll, it’s almost always from Rasmussen - a partisan hack robo-call firm that lives on its ability to give results that are roughly 10 points slanted to the GOP. Around a third of the country approves of Trump. Rasmussen exists to tell that

Because they’re not dinosaurs; there was no real way to preserve their DNA in amber, so the genetic artists working for Hammond created things that looked like the popular imagination of dinosaurs out of extant DNA they could get their hands on. They tried to cover this up by saying that they “filled holes” with frog

Do the Filet-o-Fish now

That’s some Lovecraft-level horror right there.

If only William S. Burroughs were still around to read this aloud.

probably easier to just invent one rather thn clone it. How about a robot with synthetic skin and subwoofers in the horns?

Fuck you, I wanted to sleep tonight!

Jesus Christ. Donald Trump v. McDonald’s fan fic. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

I think they try to dismiss it as the “filling in the gaps with other DNA” thing.