Mirror Universe Trump

Why? What’s so great about-

Honestly, Jeff, it’s been an open secret that they think that way for a while.

I thought angry racist women liked angry racist guys! I can’t keep up with how bigots think anymore. It’s exhausting.

I lump people together based on their phylum. I’m a phylumist!

The woman I pay to hit me with birch canes calls me trash, but I mean, I’m paying her to do that, so I don’t feel it should count.

I think you just accidentally wrote a feminist punk song.

Ok, but, let’s assume, just assume, that I lack all self-knowledge and am egregiously stupid?

“Facebook is shit.”

“Pol Pot was a fine golfer.”


It’s clearly hyperbolic. Not all men are trash. Some are creeps.

Now I’m confused. Am I trash or not?

And lots of it!

I have. It’s literal petulant toddler behaviour.

Mueller could throw Trump and his entire cabinet in jail, and our problem would remain the same: the people who put them there. The GOP needs to be sent to the political wilderness. They need to lose power across the board and stay out of power for years or they will never change.

There will be consequences among the 65% of voters who are paying attention, but it’s pretty clear that among the current generation of conservatives, 35% are with them regardless of what they do.

Time is against the GOP. Their margins get slimmer as their supporters age. It’s one of the reasons they keep going after education- gotta dumb down a new generation of kids so they can become GOP supporters.

Funny comment, eh? If you can look past the terrible human cost, it is a little funny that the bigotry of GOP supporters is being used to impoverish them.

Ahh, McCain. You were so close to becoming an actual human being, instead of a weak and unprincipled toady, which is what you are.

Well, to be fair, I suspect some of them instead of merely not caring about their constituents actually hate them and hold them in utter contempt.