Best Coast codcolostkey

Hi kids, hope everyone is doing ok.

I’ve been working from home (immunocompromised) and I’ve been worried that I’ll get an email any day now saying “Turns out we don’t miss you, don’t come back!” This is not based on anything credible, I love my job and I’m not terrible at it, but I’ve felt really cut off and that’s

His boss stares at the sun. Never Forget.

That’s probably true, but at least as far as signs so, remember that this is Mike Pence we’re talking about:

All I could think of was the Contras, Reagan’s nun murdering fascists and the JoBoxers that did that off-beat (contra?) dancing to that catchy song in that charming video.

I guarantee there’s not a public door on that building without a sign and an explanation of their mask policy, and that almost all the other entries have one as well. I’ll also wager that it’s also posted on dozens of doors inside the facility.

I got into an annoying argument with someone about Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn that started with “a woman can’t do all that stuff” (which I attempted to counter with the triple threat of “no one can - it doesn’t have to be fully realistic” and “some women could - Aloy is one” and “it’s a video game”)
But it was all a

Women exist.

So many dumb, white motherfuckers showing their ass today.

They’re pretty funny, but alas, nowhere to wear them except here!  lol.  Ooh, I think a crown of peeps would be really funny too.... maybe shellacked? That would be really crazy. Ha. I would totally stash peeps to eat for later, but yeah, marshmallow hair would be a hassle.

I also realized right after I took the picture that I also have a Peeps bubble wand (nothing too exciting, but the handle is a blue peep bunny). And I didn’t take the tag off.  Oh well.  I also included Dorothy, my pre-Easter comfort purchase!

I completely agree. Never before has there been such a unified effort to understand a virus and its disease. lists 902 trials just for this coronavirus, and those are only the studies funded by the US federal government. There are even more on the WHO’s list. Some of the research is ongoing; some

but no one can say for certain, because it’s too early for the research to be clear.

Thanks in advance and I will definitely check them out

I is, I feel basically the same way she does. I like to think I handle it better but who knows...

yeah ventolin and antihistamines, whatever it takes, you gots to deliver the skritches

literally it’s like the more we know about COVID-19, the less we know.

Like you, I wasn’t into background noise, but I’ve been listening to lo-fi on YouTube. Super soothing. 

When my friend was in hospital/bed rest for preeclampsia, she also watched tv for dogs and found it amazingly soothing. 

Haaaa! I thought I was the only one watching all the animal cams. I swear, the jellyfish can is like watching a living lava lamp