Loves me some Tex Mex! Bring on the enchiladas.
Loves me some Tex Mex! Bring on the enchiladas.
Tons of Christmas carols!
Carbs are our pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night.
The tea room sounds like a lovely idea as gift. My mom & I would visit one in I think New Hope that was really nice. I really want to take the tiny human to one when she’s a wee bit older.
I’m not sure what the curfew accomplishes, not am I clear on exactly what the gender weekdays do, either, but it seems like the government is doing what it can to mitigate the spread of the virus and there’s no anti-mask, science -denying backlash to it.
We did, my roommate and I.
Hey kitty cats! Big week here, what with getting a library card and trying to teach manners to the badly behaved puppy, now just eight or so weeks old. She maintains her adorableness (strangers all want to pet her and she squeaks happily when they do) and she now gives side eye. It’s not been easy trying to train her…
Years ago when I was in college and the stress of finals was getting to me, I got really ambitious and made a gingerbread carousel, with candy canes for the poles, and animal crackers for the horses. I think I just stacked smaller and smaller cookies for the pyramid shape for the top.
Go ahead—focus on the same artists. Rabbit holes are lovely places to go down.
I accidentally had a mullet once. I looked like a gender-bent Harry Potter. Never again, man.
Y’all, I have been dealing with my super manipulative narcissist MIL and I fucking won a battle. I will win this damn war too if it kills me.
I made buscuits from scratch this week. Now I am kicking myself because it is so easy and I could have been doing this for decades. I might make a loaf of bread tonight because I am feeling down. Punching some dough and then stuffing my face with warm carbs seems like a great idea.
Yeah, it’s time to put this year behind us, and move on to better things.
Shopping’s done. Now comes the wrapping. Not enough wine in the house to do it tonight, tho.
Music recs thread. What are y’all listening to these days?
Did you cook, or buy, anything fun? I made some nice rosemary roasted garlic bread. Crusty and golden, with some nice blisters. We ate that with my dad’s spaghetti sauce, that’s what we always called it. Meat sauce with garlic and onions and red and green bells peppers, I left out the canned mushrooms, because I do…
That’s kind of pricey, 60ish dollars in today’s money. Although it does get points for being a food gun, instead of just a cookie press.
To be fair, it’s a legitimate fear. :)