Best Coast codcolostkey

That's a great cake!

Hmmm, baked apple! All of that looks delicious.

I hope you’re relaxing this evening! Thank goodness you and Tiny Human are safe

How about a First Squirrel?

Hmm, pizza. That sounds much, much better than chicken soup.

Ugh. I hope you've got your feet up and baby yoda has made you some chicken noodle soup.

I'm about to have the last 2 frozen samosas, the rest of the sushi from yesterday's take-out and a reheated baked potato with broccoli and cheese sauce. I'll let you know how it goes.

That’s sounding really good to me right now

I hear you. I've been low-grade nauseous for days.

It's pretty amazing how much change happens in just a few years. The Gr. 3 class I taught a couple years ago will be in gr. 6 next year. I'm really hoping the pandemic will be winding down and we'll be back in the school together, because I very much want to see them a little more grown up. :)  I’ve heard there’s

I think 7 or 8 is probably ideal for watching the first HP viewing. There’s a lot of different things to follow in that story.

But with even higher stakes. I still can't believe he got to sneak in a third scotus pick.

I’m also a fan of less-scary “scary” movies. I might rewatch Ghostbusters (classic!) or Harry Potter. I’ve never watched Hocus Pocus, though, so if it's on Netflox, this could be the night!

Yay! Voting!

Happy birthday!


I did that last election and haven't recovered from the trauma.

There’s a lot of suggestions here now, from edibles to guided meditation and melatonin. I’ll let you know if anything works. I think getting more exercise during the day would help me too. All my usual spoty things are closed and I’m getting both lethargic and stir crazy, on top of the recent insomnia.

I don’t know if you’re finding this, but I’m really having a lot of trouble concentrating on reading. In the past I used to pull out an old textbook and bore myself to sleep.

This is the second vote for edibles as a sleep aid. I've never tried it, but if I pick something mild and mellow, I'm sure I'd enjoy it.