Best Coast codcolostkey

Naturally, the assholes don’t stay home. I hope you have your feet up and you’re enjoying a relaxing beverage.

What really got me was how for the first part of the book, she’s trying so hard to be good, or to come up with a good argument for them to keep her, so she can stay. 💔 I had a book of LM Montgomery’s short stories and every songle one was about an orphan or a neglected kid finding a better, permanent home. She was

It was written by LM Montgomery’s grandaughter!

Wow. Thank goodness your cousins are her POA so they can get they information they want about her condition. 

No lie, the best thing about my divorce is not picking up after other people after I've already tidied shit lol

Uncertainty sucks. I’m trying to feel what I feel, but also trying to stay calm and not think too far ahead. It’s hard. No one knows anything yet, but it's hopeful to see most of the G7 and G20 come to agreements about sharing info and vaccines.

I hope she continues to improve! Is she able to take calls from family?

It's true. It's such a sad story, but that isn't what stood out when I was 10. I kept that in mind when I was reading The Hunger Games with my students  and their reactions were so different from the adults'. To them it was an adventure story or thriller, and to us it was horrifying and heartbreaking.

Yes! I wanted to order from my fave pizza place to support them, but they are closed. I hope that’s a good thing. It’s an older family business, so they may own the building and maybe it was better to close temporarily than to try to stay open. I hope they'll be back.

Excellent choices!

Oh no! I hope your aunt continues to be able to stay off a ventilator and makes a recovery. I’m glad to hear your parents are doing ok.

Now playing

What we humans do to keep busy without the Battle of the Garden?

Poor puppy! Life is hard! 😂

PLEASE take a picture of the peeps bunny ears. I'm intrigued

I reread it for the first time as an adult awhile back, and it was such a different experience. As a kid, it was mostly a story about an energetic little girl and her hijinks, with some sad parts. As an adult, I bawled through the first 4 chapters or so.

Congratulations! Maybe a 10.5 year anniversary when things are calmed a bit?

Bring on the cold mush! I guess you could nuke the chili and experiment with eating it more like gazpacho? Or maybe use a crock pot if you have one. That’s a good heat saver too.

It might protect you (that's how most other viruses work) but no one can say for certain, because it's too early for the research to be clear. Don't despair. Eventually the 1918 pandemic came to an end, and they didn't have the capacity to communicate and share research/ vaccines that we do now.