The fact that you miss your dad also makes you lucky ...I have to remind myself of that fact too...I had my mom for forty years and I was lucky to have her that long.
The fact that you miss your dad also makes you lucky ...I have to remind myself of that fact too...I had my mom for forty years and I was lucky to have her that long.
“I am horrible with names. Go to look up something on the internet, get sidetracked and forget what I wanted to do.”
Describes me perfectly. I’m a couple of years older than you and did not have concussions.
Welcome to middle age?
Yep. All these stories lately kind of make me wonder about me. Between playing soccer for most of my school years and just farting around like kids do, it is kind of nagging me in the back of my mind. As a kid I had 6 or 7 concussions that I can remember and back int he 70's and 80's you just kept going or took a time…
Holy cow! I live in Wyoming where we are used to snow, and even here three feet would have me calling my boss and saying “Yeah, I won’t be in tomorrow”.
There’s a commercial for Empire Carpet that plays in the northeast. It’s got a jingle that’s just their 1-800#. For the longest time it made me crazed. Any time it came on, I would leap, fly, flail or crawl to the mute button. I’m starting to feel the same way when I see Madonna.
Like I'm going to listen to the opinion of someone who goes to the airport to watch a movie.
The Who sucks. Zeppelin rules!
ulcerative colitis is NO JOKE. Look it up.
Shoegaze - MBV, Sometimes:
RIP Glenn Frey
I feel so privileged to have clean water -IN THE SAME COUNTRY.
I love her and I will not make fun of her tweets for a full year.
Judging from that awesome mug shot today is definitely "the day.....the comb over........died."
You couldn’t wait for the open thread?!? (I want this shirt in underwear form)
I have Buffalo Bills season tickets. The men are, literally, everyone in my section. Trust me, you don’t want to see them.
garbage Taco Bell
actual footage of Jia eating at Chipotle. #trashpanda
Chicken parm you swell my gourd
4. A lazy yet efficient way of saying “drop a deuce”- wait, sorry, I didn’t see your #3.