cob racy

I did that shit with the drink swords when I lost Darth Vader’s lightsaber, too. Nice.

My 6-year old son asked for a Doc McStuffins costume. It comes complete with skirt and headband. By God, we’re doing it.

Seriously, the only journalist sin worse than this is reporting on businesses by threatening unfavorable coverage unless you can get steady-streamed, regular inside-info, or frequent pull-quotes for your hot takes.

If you’re a journalist and frequently use phrases like “there are people” and “some say,” I want you to stop doing your job now and find something useful to do like stop trains with your head.

Blame Canada, right?

All the white people.

Iconic sets.

I’ve been there.

Well it helps that I’m not a milennial, nor a Gen Xer or boomer for that matter.

Night Court. Bad last season. Good, emotional finale.

There’s a lot of good stuff in Moore, but there are at least five grade-”F-” failures in the films: The slide-whistle when he jump/rolls the car over the river; a Tarzan sound-effect when he’s swinging through the jungle; Jaws’ love story; the Beach Boys song when he snowboards; and add your own.

Yeah, suck it up into its rotor.

Sounds like Ahab to me!

Yes, only good opening credits since the early 80s.

Mark McGuire played in it. They play behind Sullivan Arena, which is where the Great Alaska Shootout takes place in November.

You simply cannot take my plea for identifying and rehabilitating folks who might profile out as these killers as compassion for those who ACTUALLY kill, then flip it to say it means I hate women, blame them for violence, support rape, support “men’s rights.” All of which are totally untrue and I’ve made the point

Let me be clear. I absolutely do not believe all of the garbage you are accusing me of.

Nope, I am not saying that horseshit, and you probably know it.

Connections to the outside world that may make people want to be close to you. Your parents run a popular business, you were a role player on a television show, you play guitar on open nights, you comment in Jezebel and get tons of stars. Things that make you feel connected to other people, well-liked, and popular.

No. You absolutely do not respect my opinion and are trying to get me to argue something I don't believe. I actually have a ton of sympathy for your barista.