cob racy

Am I alone in thinking the first sandwich is more beautiful/appetizing?

I can’t do Gotham without your recaps, Rob. Recaps in general are dumb and terrible, but Gotham is a unique situation.

That’s cause they buy shitty one-size-fits all jets, and send pork money to districts to build obsolete stuff, or protect places that are fine.

This is like Mitt Romney appealing to increase the Navy. Totally true on the grounds of national security, scientific research, global progress, and so many other things, and totally falling on deaf ears from coast-to-coast.

My first election as a voter was 1996. Hip to all Bill’s past and alleged stuff I could not vote for Bill, and cast for Nader.

I can tell by your name, this must be David Brock!

I think it’s really important to break the glass ceiling on the Presidency.

I love that the Rock always makes the “40-Year Old Virgin” pose in photos.

This is the Hulk movie for me.

You goons!

Fucking dead.

It is... superior...

Oh, God! No... Perd.

Isn’t she the Spectre now, or some such?

Visual design is the only thing good about this show, and it’s good only in the way that a billion-dollar ring on a corpse is good.

Because it’s Batman, and his “rogues gallery” in a weekly TV live-action for the first time since the 60’s has every reason to be excellent, but stupefyingly is everything but that word.

It is impossible for me to forgive how badly they fucked this Batman up. Jay Garrick better be showing up soon as the regular Flash, or maybe Bizarro Superman or something, just to let us know that they know it’s all trash.

What an asshole! Who does he think he is, casting whomever he wants? Art should have rules, dammit! It’s not supposed to make people see things different ways or inspire discussion!!!

Whatever, nerd.