cob racy

I answered, you are just being obtuse. No job, no friends, no social capital = disempowered.

Ok, well should have locked him up then. Your point is valid and I don’t disagree.

Usually you find with all these mass shooters that they are off, they have difficulties maintaining jobs, developing relationships, or finding social groups to support them and help expose them to challenging opinions in supportive settings. If we do not find ways to identify these guys and pursue them with honey

Your obsessive need to paint me as a creep. I have been married almost ten years and have two kids. I am concerned about these issues and stopping the shootings. I think your comments have been adversarial more than constructive.

Ok I really think you guys heaped a bunch of stuff on me that I was not trying to convey.

Goddamnit, I don't view men as a victimized class. I am afraid this guy is going to pee on someone!

I gotta say, I am talking about rejection by society, not just women. These guys who go mass shooting all have no shortage of people in their lives telling them that their opinions are worthless.

I was responding to the CAPS LOCK, less the anecdotes. Now that I know you're male, I suggest a wellness visit.

I am 1000% not justifying his behavior and I hope he burns in Hell. I am not inviting all aggrieved to start killing. I was just joking that you should pee on your barista. I do not think it would really help.

I am a house husband who supports a strong woman in her career. She is President of her company. I also was campaign manager for my mother when she ran for State Senate in 2012. I am not motivated by “man feels” whatever they are. I am motivated by improving my country, and the lives of both genders, and all races. I

Why do YOU think he did it? I bet he felt rejected and angry towards women. Maybe someone accused him of owning a fedora?

I didn’t draw the comparison in the first point that you were addressing, it was one that I was responding to. You missed the point in a big way and responded with a hypothetical that I think supported my point, which was that we all don’t do the wrong thing, mostly. Sorry I offended you. But piss on that barista if

No, not white men. But men in general. We need better emotional health and support for those isolated and enraged.

You are right. All women are harassed and sexual and physical violence is a problem which I would like to help solve. I have two sons, it’s not academic. I am sorry I ventured my opinion as neither representative of the perpetrator or victim. I may have no business on Jezebel. I see that now. And sorry for the tone.

I don’t think so. I think James Holmes had a Joker fantasy as real as this guy’s misogynist fantasies.

It's not everyone. Just you and a couple of other trolls.

There was not a knee-jerk response about “how hard men have it.” Honestly, if it were up to me, when these fuckers commit mass shootings, we would never mention their names to give them the validation they want.

Amy is not responsible for this any more than the Batman creators are for James Holmes busting out his severe homicidal cosplay.

This was not my point! It’s that loneliness, lack of opportunity and resentment can lead to aggression; check ISIS and why most have joined. I am not a “these men” MRA guy.

You should consider it. Even though you’d end up in jail and ruin your life, you'd really stick it to those fuckers! Since that seems important to you.