cob racy

No, that’s idiotic to expect a reward for not acting like an outlier, which is my point to all commenters.

The massive, overwhelming majority of men do, too. I’ve been rejected and laughed at by countless women and never raised my hand or a weapon to any, and never will. Your statement is definitely true. The fear of being abused or killed by a man is rational, but probably less likely to come to pass than being laughed at

Just consider how you’d like men to generalize about what kind of woman you are, and work backwards.

This is an appropriate response to this event, and true. Men who are rejected and disempowered need better avenues to deal with rage and self-loathing. We tend to isolate them, and to tell them that they are privileged assholes, and to go fuck themselves with their iron gun cocks, so that’s less helpful.

Is that a “Crispy Critters” joke?

I am a Joker fan. Having watched the first season of Gotham, I doubt I will be using the word “brilliant” let alone twice.

There’s probs a ton of media company CFOs in there.

Seriously, I was an attractive male for like two months of my life. Fuck everyone!

I agree but have to give it the big caveat that I wondered why Disney agreed to the shoot before I realized they didn't.

Gotta get that water pretty close to put out the fire. Get the real plane/chopper too close to the drone, it hits and they crashes.

It's just the other America and Americans she hates?? Is this Trump territory then?

Zounds! What the hell is Zounds!?

They need to have some interactive game which allows you to be cast in the TV show, reality-style.

How many returning characters? I count five...

Pretty rough of him to put her into the position of “strategiz(ing) with lawyers and PR professionals to repair (his) reputation” after all of that...

“Batman being shot at in the dessert - thats so weird”

An homage to Orson’s proposed Batman cinematic project? Superman Lives is a distant second on my wish list of couldabeens behind this one.

From one Marvel Red Ninja clan to another. Casting!

“Hey, I appreciate this sandwich, but Jabba’s got a bounty on my head. If I don’t get back and pay it off, I’m not gonna eat many sandwiches from here on out. So, I don’t have a lot of sandwiches to look forward to, is what I’m sayin’. ‘Cause, you know... bounty.

My argument is what the other side believes. You have to convince them. Be equipped, or be ignored.