cob racy

All robots are criminally insane!

My only issue is that we are not putting this rogue robot on trial!

Dr. Doom is the best villain in Marvel. They could start by doing him right.

Netherworld me found me: drunk, defenseless.

Thanks to uncle Joe.

Beats signing the Defense of Marriage Act, which is what the Clinton White House did when I was a teen.

This has totally been useful. I understand all that stuff, like, as you cite, factors are used in the arguments by both sides. You’ve been able to address a lot of the counter-arguments which had lately bumped me skeptic.

No, my complaint is that you’re being a dick without looking at my other comments. And that’s why there’s so much political vitriol in this country. Some dude thinks what some other dude says is stupid, so he makes dismissive jokes about it. You were all willing to get your “climate change merit badge high-fives,” but

Also, since your replies have been so helpful, I am confused by one more thing:

I really appreciate your replies. For me, I think more “deniers” would be able to “accept the truth” if there was a more cogent plan for dealing with it. Like something that doesn’t hamstring our energy output in a way that China is not subject to. Also, so that businesses are not unduly burdened to meet regulations

Well it helps when you actually lay out facts! If you notice how most climate change debates go, it’s a lot like the absence of debate, just two groups swearing on their bibles that they won’t be convinced to see the others’ perspectives. I like to stay open-minded especially when the argument is “most everyone

I understand the reasons for “refining” data to eliminate certain contamination, (artificial shade, urban hot spots, etc). But the “deniers” claim a more robust campaign of manipulation. It is detailed in a lot of papers: UK independent, Daily Caller, Washington Times, Breitbart, and though those are conservative


I mean that it does not exist in two dimensions and may be an illusion of three-dimensions. And that it varies given location and altitude, for example lightest in the Andes and heaviest at the North Pole.

Are you sure... I know he was doing a lot, and a lot of the stuff with “Stick,” but I think the more intense stuff was handled by a stuntguy/coordinator: Chris Brewster.

Everything, obviously. Is that too much to pay?

In the case of the first link, those critics are trying to argue something about global temperatures based on slight, minor, adjustments to US temperatures. My previous comment addressed that.

Yes but the rate of gravity is variable, and the accusations against NOAA are not mine, I am agreeing that how you describe the tampering is exactly what its critics say is happening.

Less that it is a conspiracy, more that NOAA is “correcting” data to show a more pronounced warming even though the actual warming is flat. I read that the data corrections actually go far enough to erase documented cold snaps in the past. It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy if every scientist is using doctored data.