cob racy

Seriously, I would like someone to explain to me why those scientists aren’t right because I’m trending toward believing them. Don’t they also say that the data has been rigged, that solar activity is more prominently a factor in climate, and that cost/benefit analyses don’t conclusively show carbon restrictions are

Ok. Well I am a stay-at-home dad who supports a woman with a powerful career. I am demasculinized by men and women. I don’t beat anyone and I do all the housework. I have never committed a crime, but I probably do overcompensate by behaving inappropriately in other ways. I was just trying to make the point that

That’s what “chain of command” is for.

I vote with the Fie-ghee(s).

I think it's more primal than cognitive otherwise we wouldn't be able to make generalizations.

I think it’s two different things. The fear impulse to avoid being seen as sexually inadequate in the first leads to overcompensate with behaviors that society has deemed “stereotypically male” in the second. It has more to do with fear of being what the average woman doesn’t want (doesn’t mean the compensating

My wife exec produced the Spider-man / USPS ad campaign. I couldn’t believe the stuntman was actually doing a flip off the mailtruck in real life. We watched a bunch of takes until he finally hurt himself!

You’re right, it’s about expressing dominance and the article shows that the male primal response to that is to pretend to be more masculine.

No, get most men together and half will argue that their way is the right way and the other half will lose interest and pursue something they are already good at. Disappointment in men is warranted.

I agree. I think most of why men compete with men is to appeal to women, so it makes sense to me.

It is also that. I know PUA-types advise their “players” to treat other men like they’re just “ugly women,” so they don’t even engage in competitive behavior. It is a way that men marginalize each other. I say this as a male who had man-boobs as a kid, and still has no friends.

“One of the things that has always made me feel great about being a woman is knowing that it’s literally about the most pathetic thing you could be as far as a lot of men are concerned. The knowledge really does wonders for your self esteem”

Yes but that interview was prior to her announcing her agent fired her. Nothing makes sense!

Awwww. He wasn’t an out-of-touch sexist, just a hopeless romantic! I smell a Kate Hudson movie!

At MTP, they’re too blinded (as most gun-control advocates are) by the “cause,” and the emotions involved, to be able to distinguish one gun tragedy from another.

I am a guy and remember the first time I heard that girls were saying this behind my back. It was years before I got laid. Maybe that is the difference in the genders.

Dry-cleaner. Those suits had to smell like hot rubber ass. Plus, you wanna be the one who tells Riker that it’s not shrinking, he’s putting on weight?

I think they blew the budget for a Stannis headless money-shot with the CGI walk of shame.

That was a BD Howard character choice according to the director.

Actually you're supposed to give money to the person who will definitely win because they already have the most money, so you can curry influence with them, based on how much you gave, and the order in which you arrived.