cob racy

Give money to O’Malley now, or believe it. Probably a Republican if she wins the nomination.

I have one more issue to go, but the deaths of Supergirl and Barry Allen definitely had me bawling. Also I had all those action figures as a kid, so it’s pretty fun. I still don’t understand 40% of it as a 37-year old, and I am a big comics nerd!

Miley is the hero we all need.

Shit, I am just finishing Crisis on Infinite Earths for the first time! Didn’t get this joke ‘til now!

I wore out all my video rental punch-cards on these films!

Rene Auberjonois (Constable Odo) is the villain in Police Academy 5! One of his top 5 performances!

Well, when I was watching ST: TNG, Seinfeld, and L.A. Confidential, I know I was all like, “That’s Commandant Lassard’s nephew!!! OMG!!!” So I guess I am old.

Oh, I know, believe me. I said AFTER. McCoy rocked 5 & 6.

Matt McCoy is MUCH more famous for taking over the lead in the Police Academy movies from Steven Guttenberg after Police Academy 4. Right?

You’re Goddamn right!

Infinity hunts me. Infinity minus one.

Just means that publicity works. He made it sound like he and his brother were the Nolans on GotG, when they weren’t even as influential to their own film as the Farrelly Bros. (James’s brother even got his performance CGd over by a Raccoon and had all his lines redubbed by Bradley Cooper! That’s what you call a

The characters were Marvel’s. What was done with the characters and why this property was exploited in the first place was all her!

That number is too high. You should read about her development of the script and compare it to his subsequent self-legend-making.

She is so cool, I am always embarrassed for James Gunn when he takes all the credit for GotG.

So bad she casts a shadow on the sky.

What about cakes featuring women going to the bathroom? What does he think about those? Erotic, aren't they?

My wife does well, and I am interested in politics and media, and write well, so it could be worse. I can attest, though, to having at least all the problems that stay-at-home moms have, plus gender shame, minus nipple-chafe.

I am pretty sure when I return to the workforce it’s going to be shelving cans at 50. Not too many programs for reintegration for stay-at-home dads like me. I agree that I also get a lot of awkwardness from strangers. Especially when trying to follow up on school and therapy things for my kids. I will get calls about

At the twist, I checked out and kept watching the Mandarin movie in my head. That voice rivals Bane’s for cinematic goodlyness.