Coan Arcanius

Brands? None really, I have loyalty to my specific ford dealership, something forged over several years of going to them and not being fucked around, but that sure as fuck doesn’t extend to “you like cars? fuck you, buy a crossover” Ford itself or other dealerships in my area (fuck, this dealership isn’t even in my

I’m Canadian, so I already went through the cancelled Thanksgiving with family in interest of not trying to kill anyone. My weekly meal kit had a special Thanksgiving turkey dinner which I opted into and was pretty good.

Being the oldest kid and living rural meant mine was my dad, there were different parts of games we’d be better at. I still remember the day I came home from school and found out he beat Castlevania 2 without me, but showed me the spot we had missed to get to him underwhelming that fight was...

I mean, I bought a Mustang hat once for a reasonable price, so I guess that counts. I have had family, seeing that I liked Mustangs buy me stuff like a cuckoo clock (what the fuck) and a bar kit with ford logos on it.

I’m totally on board with the basic inspections noted, especially where lets be real...most people aren’t gonna be looking under their vehicles and not everyone who could would even know what they’re looking at.

On a personal level: fuck it, its hell year, anything that makes someone happy is good.

retail though: wait till fucking December to torture your staff with an even shorter playlist than normal.

Gonna have to give it to Aimee, though overall a tough pick because I just...really like apple things.

No, but not by any aversion. The list is a mix between stuff I’ve come across and thought “that’d work” and stuff I would have heard growing up with my dads taste in music.

That said, I’m always on the lookout for more to add to the list. The more I get, the less I have to figure out what playlist to listen to next

Kickstart My Heart
Radar Love
Highway to Hell
All I want
Hold me, thrill me, Kiss me, Kill me
Space Lord
She builds Quick Machines
Way Down the Line
I don’t wanna stop
Black Betty
Move Bitch
Hell Yeah

I have a playlist, this isn’t nearly all of it, because well...not all of it is designed to burn my fuel gauge when

Ed’s pretty alright, and like, all right, especially on the timmies. I’m not big on hawkins cheezies personally, but I’m more of a puffs sorta guy (or the rarely spotted import of cheez balls that I’ve seen in the last few years).

Anyway, I struggled earlier in the week to think of a dish to share, and so, I have to

I was almost kinda excited until I realized this wasn’t a way for me to send people like, taco bell, like, a friend who’s having a rough day and could use a terrible but also terrible in the right ways some days meal.

I could probably still manage that with some third party app by just putting in their address...BUT I

I saw the header image on twitter and was like “this is a torch post, look at that crazy truc...” and then recoiled in horror at the fact that it wasn’t really shopped much at all.

Good to hear these hold up, not that it’s got any real signs of dying soon (one ears iffy sometimes though) but my 933s have been decent for years and I like the suspension-style headband from my wifes Arctis.

How is the weight on the head? I find the 933s wants to slide off my head if I lean back in the slightest.


I did this recently, the other way. Travelling into the US to stay for a little over 2 weeks with my wife in Maryland, they asked for her passport (which I didn’t have because requirements for anything like this aren’t...anywhere), but accepted the scan of the marriage cert I had.

And that was it. No address written

Gotta give this one to Allison, 2 helmet picks and the others are solid enough for me. 

I was gonna be like “ok, but I live somewhere with a tiered system (Ontario, Canada) and it feels like there are so many idiots on the road”. That said, I looked up studies on fatalities before opening my big dumb mouth on the internet and it did cut them significantly for new drivers...I feel like re-testing needs to

It’s really not that strange. 

That link is for version 45 and earlier, current chromium edge is version 83, and there is a link at the top of the page to tell you that this is an old article.

While I’m having trouble finding a system requirements page for the latest version, it’s taking up 566mb (size on disk, 311mb) looking at the folder it’s