In their defence, they did just rank 10 pizzas, in a sense that they bought 10 pizzas and ate them and gave thoughts...and not like, did 10 pepperoni, or 10 best frozen pizzas, or anything close to what a normal article like this would be.
In their defence, they did just rank 10 pizzas, in a sense that they bought 10 pizzas and ate them and gave thoughts...and not like, did 10 pepperoni, or 10 best frozen pizzas, or anything close to what a normal article like this would be.
Worked at a fast food restaurant for 3 years, manning the fry station for lunch rush was the worst thing one could be stuck on. You’ll end up reeking of oil much worse than any other position, you’re hot and sweaty and salty and tired...
Tried it because I’m a sucker for “I’ll try almost anything once”. I’m in the camp of not worth the price, the bread could definitely use work, and being called whopper rather than stacker feels off. It was definitely a let down, but not the worst thing I’ve had from them. It at least tasted sorta ok, but not even…
No real interest in vegan/vegetarian, but definitely adding more meatless meals as times go on. Also, beyond/impossible/etc all are limited in what you can get (ground meat/nuggets and little else) and come with their own problems of limited availability and generally increased cost. Flavours not much of an issue…
Honestly, sometimes, yeah, if I’m hungry and not attached to what I should be eating for that meal instead. Sometimes I’m just craving something and no image is gonna sway for better or worse. Sometimes I look at that and go “I really want that, but, I shouldn’t because X (ingredient spoilage, money, etc)“.
I wonder if the POI system at Wendy’s still has the Grand Slam as a button, which was just adding an extra burger to a Triple. It was rare to see anyone order it since a Triple was usually rare itself, but it was at least there...15 years ago.
My cats are the best lil babies and are currently missing me while I’m on vacation. I feel like I’m safe.
One guy has an ego and seems like an ass, the other is an over the top cartoon with a heart of gold that has only been shown to be genuine in the last few years.
Was reading the article and thinking the same thing till I looked at the photo of it being...just, a wall on the floor.
Mandarins were much nicer than that. Pic from google reviews
My wife has insisted we’re the full size candy bar house, and I’m not one to argue. Portion control is on the parents, imo. It’s not like kids or parents out trick-or-treating don’t know what the holiday is about, and it’s not apples or floss or 2 dollar a pack organic peanut butter cups (I’m not sure what aspect of…
As a believer of Scalzi’s burrito philosophy, fries are a go.
I guess most people forgot how terrible they are as employers, especially chains run by the heirs to the brand.
I’m gonna guess its picking up because people are commuting more than they were last year for obvious reasons.
Heads up displays. I was spoiled by the simple one in the grand prix I had for a while.
Seriously, if they don’t give the VO more than 3* barks to record before launch, I don’t think I could finish the game.
*I didn’t actually count.
I feel like some are just key for playing in person like Dread which uses Jenga (sold separately) as a game mechanic as a way to ramp up the tension as when the tower falls, your character is removed from the game. Something that would be difficult to do online.
I feel like some are just key for playing in person like Dread which uses Jenga (sold separately) as a game mechanic…
“unhappy with Sony’s treatment of the franchise”
“adult content which includes a visual depiction that requires age verification of an actual human being”
Babish and the Sorted guys are probably my two most watched, with First We Feast mostly for the burger stuff. I love hot ones but don’t quite spend the time on single episodes right now so I’ll have to binge a bunch later.
Kenji’s great, Joshua Weissman from time to time.
Given the number of lettuce recalls these past few years, I really just expect salad to kill me one of these days.
I got my DM from their twitter for the info to flag my account, so looks like I’ll be playing the tech alpha all weekend myself.