Coan Arcanius

I agonized for a moment, but, Marnie. I’m a sucker for Strawberry ice cream and the other solid picks helped clinch it. 

I’m really surprised that the article doesn’t make mention of the fact that there is also a Raj Patel who is PoC who works for Ubisoft out of Toronto (and formerly Xbox) and I can’t help but feel like this guy ripped off his name for this long by just adding another J.

We entered the bizarro timeline a few years ago, so actually, getting him out of the white house would help fix more than him staying there. Preferably permanently.

(and before anyone says anything, yes I know this issue is older than he is, he’s still making shit worse.)

I am entirely a recipe person, I wing so little. I won’t even wing wings and that’s like, butter, franks and...wings. I also suck at meal planning, which means for the most part I’d get home after work and see a few ingredients I bought on my last trip and be like “I didn’t have an actual plan for this” and leave most

Imo, yes, but, taste is subjective. Some people just can’t get into it and that’s fine.

Plenty of grinds (it’s a mmo after all) so I guess the question is like, are you worried about a leveling grind or crafting grind or a specific weapon/set grind. I found leveling or crafting not that bad. Leveling is mostly

Chocolate chips, and I only bought more than the one bag I needed to replace what I had due to a sale (like a 2 for 5) so I’m not sure it counts?

I was feeling guilty about buying the stuff for bread and beans and then making neither, but I fixed that on Saturday. I guess next I need to feel guilty about chocolate

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Deadspin forever, best of luck Jason.

I’ll sit here and keep wondering how long the rest of the familiar faces across the sites have before they’ll be lost too, or, everything gets sold off again and hopefully to a group less fucking scummy. 

They seem less awkward about it.

You can, but seems to be  a rareish chance, and so far I’ve only seen one other. My home island is apples, my mystery islands that aren’t apples (or bamboo) have been cherries. 

I’ll be over here as a shocked Canadian realizing that the double big mac isn’t a regular menu item elsewhere. Usually it’s backwards. 

I see plenty of lettuce and some tomato in there, surely that counts for something!

Update: My Neopet who is 18 and a half years old has now been fed. I need more food before I can do my second pet, but I have a friend who is really into it still, so I guess she can tell me what to do. 

I feel for the poor support people about to be flooded.

People have always been the best reason. I still talk with some of the people from my original Vanilla guild...some were even at my first wedding. People from my guild in BFA were there for my second, done in SoCal around Blizzcon because it’d mean everyone would be in town anyway rather than ask them to fly out to

Wow, I can see you’re a toxic one with pokemon choices like that.

Maybe if it was pointing from the other direction, but yeah, I was real confused too for a moment given the placement of the fish.

There are a lot of different aspects to enjoying cars/car culture though. I don’t change my own oil or brakes right now because trying to do anything in my tiny apartment parking spots a pain and well, I’m lazy. I might do more when I move and have access to a bases auto shop bay and their equipment.

I feel like for some of us, it goes beyond just the boost, but also all that you gain with reputation and professions from the history of playing that character over time. Only time invested in a character can fully replace feeling complete to me, and it’s not something I get from even leveling to cap and kinda

We have a king, and it’s varying levels of comfortable depending on where everyone decides to sleep or who has nightmares or if a cat is too close to a dog or...

I was mostly joking with the comment though.
