Coan Arcanius

I can’t wait to buy it, play some and then still be too busy spreading myself thin in other games. :( I managed to finish Morrowwind, but only a chunk of the way through the first main chapter of Elsweyr, and never mind my Cadwells silver progress...

Ok, but, where is my human to dog conversion chart here? Is like, two medium dogs one person?

What about cats?

Your characters would not be deleted, they’ll still be there. Due to how names get freed up, they will be renamed to mostly gibberish, you will need to give them a name when logging in for the first time. There is a chance your original names will not be taken on the server and you’ll be able to rename them to what

Depends on how hard you want to go at the game. If you’re looking at AOTC in a reasonable amount of time after raid opens or CE raiding, it’s probably a chore, or if you’re a completionist (given how much gets added all the time with regular content updates). If you want to play the game and see all the content in

Scrolling through the other comments, yuuuuuup. I think I might sit down and put down a more defined of “I really need to finish these” like botw, outer worlds, etc. Having something more defined will probably help with actually hitting the goal. 

Keeping it simple.

Just finish more games that have some sort of “ending”. This means taking more time off from endlessly idle in mmos, or playing another game of civ, less time playing one game for two days on a weekend and then another different game the next weekend, and actually just...completing.

You know, I have no clue.
I have the d3 season to try and grind out. I have the new d2 season to...grind out, plus my light levels still barely over 900.  

I have WoW Classic grinding. I have wow retail anniversary event grinding. Oddly enough, both are in AV...
pokemon sword, ffxiv just announced a free login campaign.

Doing a spec comparison of the 2019 vs a fusion though, the taurus gains 1" front and 2" rear hip room while loses 3" less front leg room and 0.2" less in the rear (headroom, shoulder room and other specs were the same). The taurus also gains 4 cubic feet more trunk space, which is good if thats needed but I can’t say

Yeah, as someone who has no desire to buy a crossover/jeep/cuv/suv/whatever the fuck we’re calling them on account of how some marketing person threw a new word out and it stuck...I’m probably going Subaru when I replace my Fusion. Thankfully at 6 years old, it’s probably got plenty of life left in it unless I get in

Maybe they should try it closer to the GTA instead of a Canadian city you can find folks flying confederate flags on their trucks...

Reminds me of when myself and a coworker/friend used to have an escalating war of adding patties to burgers while working at Wendys to see who could top who. 10 is where we decided to end it. It took me two attempts to match him, the first time I went with too much cheese and it just really bogged me down.

TBF, South Park doesn’t really have a side other than “burn everything down and fuck you for caring about anything”. They could as easily decide to do an episode mocking the protests as they can the chinese govt with how they tend to function. 

No, claptrap was the former exec who didn’t really get compensated for it separate from his regular role as business developement and has taken issue with that and wasn’t gonna come back and do it without fair compensation, who has also said that Randy assaulted him.

The lawyer is a different person who is suing

Maybe if they served it anywhere near Toronto, which they aren’t. It’s still a market with like...probably half a million people though. 

As a Canadian that travels a bit in the northeastern US...our roads are generally better. There are certainly bad canadian roads and good us highways at parts, but it generally seems to show which states are the haves and have nots when it comes to having the funds for roads. This is all my anecdotal experience though.

The Kronos Game Master says he’s ideologically opposed to paying $15 a month, the same price as retail WoW. “Many in the community (myself included) do not believe we should be charged the same fee for a 15 year old game as for a current game that has literally thousands of additional hours of content in it, and we

I feel like everyone ignores the cholesterol part because they can fixate on whats just as bad and ignore anything that is better. 

I’m at work still, so i’ve got hour before I can log in, maybe a bit more depending on traffic home.

It’s also Friday afternoon before a labour day weekend which really just means I’m killing time. 

They tweeted last night they had some issues that’d be fix with restart, which already happened for NA this morning and I think is upcoming for EU. No clue if it was the same world server down issues you’re thinking of though.