The Impossible Return. That video gives me chills every time. I wasn’t at the game, but vividly remember watching it on TV with my dad.
The Impossible Return. That video gives me chills every time. I wasn’t at the game, but vividly remember watching it on TV with my dad.
“Nice catch, Hayes. Don’t ever fuckin’ do it again.”
Man, do I miss the ‘90s Tribe teams.
Gattis is a man. Who needs batting gloves? I’ll just tomahawk the fuck out of a pitch at my eyeballs.
If the owner of the lost phone happened to be a fat old bald guy, I highly doubt the story plays out the same way.
Pitchout gone wrong!
Next Pitch:
Another power-hungry umpire trying to pick a fight with a player. There was absolutely no reason for the ump to “charge the mound.”
Roger Goodell and anything Cleveland are up there too.
Here is a follow-up regarding the catcher’s punishment and more details about the game.
Don’t rub it!
Looks like a nasty 2-seamer running away from the left-handed batter.
That’s a shitty way to lose a ball game.
Enjoyed the article.
The Aussies needed Outback Jesus:
The Cavs beat the Warriors and the Zebras in Game 2.
I agree with your stance on growlers.
What a gigantic FUPA.
There was nothing more nerve-wracking than seeing those red laces spinning right towards your junk, knowing there was nothing you could do about it.
I also have fond memories of nut-ball.