Coach Lou Brown

Ugh, Ozzie Guillen. What a detestable sonofabitch.


+1 Flower Power is deliciousness.

I agree with you that Bryce Harper is a jerky, egotistical man-child. I am assuredly not a Bryce Harper or a Nats fan.

#1 Don’t argue balls and strikes. It’s impossible to win that argument with an umpire (even though this pitch was definitely a ball).

21st Amendment’s session IPA is very good. I believe it’s called Down to Earth.

Go home, Timmy. You’re drunk.

Oh, Jim. Please shut the fuck up. It must be really tough being a Boston sports fan. Only nine (9) championships in the 21st century? I feel so bad for you.

My fantasy baseball team’s name is “Bartolo’s Colon.”

As a lifelong Browns fan, I feel your pain.

I believe they actually ended up winning that game 37-24.

Classic Brownies...

But why do no NFL teams seem to care that Jameis Winston maybe raped a girl?

Not an A-Rod fan/supporter by any means, but I kind of wish he would have smacked a dinger off the back of this attention-seeking idiot’s dome.

Every time one of these videos pop up of some psycho Minor League Baseball manager completely and utterly berating an umpire, I can’t help but admire the umpires’ reserve and restraint.

It's amazing how "ok" you become with getting shit on you. Prior to becoming a father, I would have lost my mind if I had gotten a particle of fecal matter, human or otherwise, on me.

He made his money the old fashioned way! Got run over by a Lexussssss!