It never fails; the obligatory “Oh I see, so that’s how it’s going to be.....”
It never fails; the obligatory “Oh I see, so that’s how it’s going to be.....”
Operative word here being "assholes". So true. That's what they are.
There's nothing more satisfying than digging out an ear-itch with nice fluffy Q-tip.
Keeee-reist, wtf is wrong with that country. They just continue to regress to the land that sensibility forgot. Sorry, but Poot-poot makes Rick Perry look like a genius.
"Most people" love to go in an negotiate and haggle with car salesmen? BS. It's a step above root canal surgury at best; nobody, but nobody enjoys playing "the game" with car salesmen. What a crock.
Well, there's Al Sharpton..... uh, nevermind.... Groove Salad
To Oldfolksquadrille point, set aside a little time and watch the BBC documentary series, "The Human Animal".
So done with this game series. It's been the same old/same old quick-draw game for about 3 generations now and is just flat out boring. Bad resolution is just one more reason not to buy.
Mary Queen of Hots
Ending? Yayyyyyyy!
I know exactly what you mean: where I live lies Fall River to our west and New Bedford to our east, and the area is full of douche-bikers on screaming rice-rockets. Now, that said, the suburbs have their share of these ass-holes bikes, popping wheelies, racing, etc.
Tony: you're comparing pidgeons to elephants? Thanks for making a great case for pre-screening for mental illnesses, violent history, and, now, out-and-out dumbassery. Kreist, you're f—-in' stupid.
It's like a Michelobe Ultra ("Chickalobe Slim") for teen-girls.
"It's amazing the types of jobs the wealthy and well-connected 'fall back on."
If you think that Miss America is arab or you pronounce arab as "Eigh-Rab", you just might be a dumbfuck......
For those 21st century Puritans out there....
Go read Keegan's "The First World War", watch the film, "Gallipoli" and a little basic WWI 101 education first before making any dumb-fuck comments.
Sargent York, Belleau Wood, etc. -nobody knows these stories because no one tells them.
With all the points being made about the immoble nature of WWI not translating over to a gaming stage, go play the latest COD and ask yourself if "quick-scoping", zombies, ray guns, the running-and-gunning through alleyways with dual machine-pistols in each hand, ballistic knives thrown 1/4 of mile in the air and…