
That sounds awesome and reminds me that I really, really need to find a local tabletop RPG group.

So this week has been equally divided by Fortnite and Overwatch. From playing exclusively single player games, I’ve grown to like (and in the case of Fortnite reeeealllly get into) multi-player games over the past few years. Battlefield 1 was great until I grew tired of it after a month. Overwatch definitely has the

I’ve finished Resident Evil 0 HD and Resident Evil HD this past week, so now it’s time to zoom to the next wave of survival horror video game evolution with Resident Evil 4. Really looking forward to it! /cheer

Been playing a bit of Hyrule Warriors. I don’t have a Switch so I’m still on the Wii U version, which doesn’t have the quality of life improvements of the Switch release, but it’s still damn fun. I managed to beat the Legends campaign, I’ve gotten some DLC (including Linkle, who is really fun to play) and am working

With things being a little calmer for me for a while, I’m committed to playing more. And while I do want to play more games with which I’m less familiar or which I’ve not played, I just have a desire to play something I know. So I’m easing myself in with Paper Mario, one of the most important games in my gaming

Man, I can’t wait until multiplayer comes out for Stardew on the Switch. Then maybe I can do the same thing with my wife! She enjoyed watching the game and played it a little bit, but she’s still hooked on Breath of the Wild. I don’t blame her, but I also wish we would play more games together; Stardew would be

Also, have you seen Apocalipsis yet? Sounds like you might enjoy the art style.

Just don’t burn the bloody cakes this time!

Now playing

I see that Elder Scrolls Online has a new expansion this month, apparently set in Summerset.

I’ve been playing a group session of Stellaris all week, with my pals, and this is the first time the game has really clicked for me. I think a lot of it is to do with the 2.0/Cherryh patch, personally, as it seems to make the game less punishing on weaker players.



Sorry, couldn’t resist!

I think realizing the limitations of our time is a great step many never get to and I know I still struggle with. I bought a PS4 in early January. Started P5 on 1/16. Finished it on 3/20. In that time I added HZD, Tomb Raider and its sequel, DA:I, No Man’s Sky, and now ME:A. Enough gaming to handle the next year, easy.


OK, this is not going to win me any upvotes this week, but here we go...

I seem to be falling into the same trap that my esteemed colleague Wolfman Jew has mentioned here recently: I’m writing so much (in my case, translating) about video games that I don’t seem to have much time to play:
- Translating the usual slow-but-steady flow of new texts for the French MMORPGs Dofus and Wakfu.

They fudged it with Traveller Book 5: High Guard and Someone to Watch Over Me references.