
I was introduced to the film when I was in high school, taking german class, and it was a mind-blowing introduction to modern European cinema and way more interesting than the stupid TV show designed for learners we also had to watch. A couple of years later in University it was one of the first movies I acquired in a

I got a Community notification for this? HURRAH!!!!

Norm found out that 32 was opened by his mother’s pip boy. Moldaver had that, so she specifically invaded the vault 2 years previous and then pretended to the be the overseer every now and then to keep up the pretence.

One theory floating around is that Thaddeus isn’t a ghoul now, but a super mutant. Both are plausible lore wise, but ghouls don’t really regenerate the way he did.

Sam had amnesia in the original series, his brain was swiss-cheesed - he didn’t even remember his gf/wife to start with. Nobody knew how to make him leap for sure, but Al would run scenarios on the supercomputer and give him a rough idea of what might work, and some episodes made a point of this being a difficult

The accompanying image shows D&D 3.5 from 2003. Boy, I hope someone gets fired for that blunder.

John Bishop is a comedian who the BBC seem to have on contract and don’t know what to do with because he keeps getting shows that make absolutely no impact as far as I can tell.

It started with absolute brutal difficulty with a tiny budget and expensive assets you really needed to build to expand, but they patched it with the expansion.

Well there was ‘evil voyager based on a historical reconstruction’, that was an enjoyable episode.

Failure to consider the bigger picture this week: the space battle.

I concur.

Aunt Wu says this is a bad sign..

Slight spoilers, but Six gets even more annoying when he’s no longer Six but someone else..

I have an idea why the Romulans might have a secret organisation that hates artificial life. What if, thousands of years ago, they created artificial life? What if it rebelled, or rejected them, and was either exiled or left. What if the Romulans inadvertently created The Borg?

First timer, be nice. Big Pikachu could only remind me of this:

there are no exhortations to greatness or pull quotes from rapturous reviews.

There was a short-lived gameshow in the UK called “Red or Black?”, which was essentially a boastful attempt by Simon Cowell to convince an audience to watch what was essentially a coinflip endgame for one million pounds. Said ending consisted of a giant un-numbered roulette wheel for the contestant to choose between

My favourite work of his is from quite a long time ago, the soundtrack for System Shock II. Seriously, the Engineering and Medical deck themes are absolutely banging tunes.

Weirdly the existence of 76 has made me want to go back to 4 and try out the Sim Settlements mod, because I enjoyed constructing things, but ultimately it had no purpose.

That’s why it’s even more egregious that the game is so paper thin, because they have some really great worldbuilding stuff out there. Quests that would only get better with more RPG elements. It feels even more wasteful that you can’t do anything to really contribute to the world you spawn into.