
I seem to remember that someone or something abducted people from time, gave them superpowers, and returned them to save the world from disaster. At least the cult in the final series had this belief? I’m not sure we know who did it, or whether that was really true.

No, now that Marvel has effectively got back the rights to X-Men, she’s going to play mutant Bishop. It’s how they introduce them, with time-travel and shit.

Shame it’s nothing special. The best story mod I’ve seen is Autumn Leaves, and it works because it adds one vault, a few robots, and it’s self-contained. I mean there’s also Dust, but that’s.. more of an experience than a story.

Obra Dinn is so, so good to play. At first it’s a bit of a challenge to figure out exactly what the heck is going on, at least for me as I climbed aboard the ship and wandered, saw a skeleton and found there was nothing to interact with until the boatman shouted for me to go back to him. Once the deduction starts,

In the credits, there’s a character called the ‘Baroness von Thurn und Taxis’, which is a real noble lineage from Germany that’s still going today. They were historically important in setting up the German postal network. There’s also a boardgame with the same name about that topic, and I choose to believe this is the

I want to know more about Steven’s massive collection of recorders.

Hoisted by your own petard, as they say :)

Wow, that’s really unfortunate. I read after that if you try to escape there’s a bunch more missions you have to do to ensure success, but maybe they never triggered for you for some reason. Poor Sorrows.

Sorry to see you go Matt, I hope you go on to great things.

Getting the autodoc backup should be first on your agenda, then you can always run away, go back to the sink and fully heal.

I will get to Lonesome Road and I figure I’ll just have to use every exploit and go armed to the teeth to survive. I should be near maximum level by then though, so it’s just a question of having the right guns and bullets, or overcharge packs.

More Fallout: New Vegas DLC this week as I dived into Old World Blues. I mistakenly thought it was the second one released, when that was in fact Honest Hearts, but it makes a lot of sense to play through it immediately after Dead Money because of all of the story connections between the two.

Oh yeah, the start-over mechanic is great, I love having to scrape together armour and weapons again! I did most of it with a police pistol in the end because of the plentiful ammo, and a cosmic knife to slash up the corpses of course. OWB is next..

How’s summer folks?

Hi, I’m Daisy.

Is it per species then? In which case, how does the debate over what counts as a species in bacteria get settled?

I restarted Pillars I this week and remembered how much I liked the game to begin with. I’m going to try to avoid the tendencies that led me to putting it down last time: use things instead of hoarding them, stop switching people in and out of the team and focus on the immediate quest.

What’s this about a Necromunda game? I was perusing the new edition of the rules the other week and I remember it fondly. I would have a blast with a turn-based squad combat game within an overarching campaign, XCOM style.

I figured out the vitality thing in my second game. I keep forgetting combinations though, and I played the beta which has confused me at times. I should write down the basic routes to get vitality, glimmering and the other one.

I’ve played two games so far. The first one I feel like you’re supposed to lose given how little you begin with, and I did indeed die when I ran out of health after running out of funds to restore my health. In my second game as the doctor I had far more success, getting two followers and completing an expedition, but