
They had plenty of weird and creepy stories, but most were away from vaults. The school where the kids are drugged through their food comes to mind. The serial killer and detective who both died during the war. That haunted quarry. Plenty to praise imo.

Oh that sweet Ranger/Cleric dual-class that could wield two warhammers, one of which was inevitably the electric one you picked up from defeating that Cyric worshipper.

Same edition, reprinted, we had one of these floating around when I started too.

That was my first PHB too!

Half-Orc Bards are actually pretty good, since they can hold their own in melee nicely and can easily select a bunch of spells that don’t rely on Charisma for effectiveness (and even if you do, you’re only 1 point worse than a super-optimal bard). The Halfling Fighter was also a great damage-dealer thanks to

Last weekend the boardgame club I am part of held a one-day public event inviting people to come and play our grandiose game collection, take part in competitions and so on. I volunteered at some point to run a couple of brief D&D sessions and I was pleasantly surprised to have the sign-up sheet half-full before we

Now playing

My favourite youtuber put out this video last weekend:

“Sticks to Snakes!”

It’s taken a few years, but I finally found a videogame for my wife to get hooked on. It’s not that she’s ever been against them, she just feared exactly this - that she’d spend too much time on something else in addition to her other hobbies. I’ve always argued that if you still go to work and do your laundry, more

What they need to add is a claims/occupation system. It’s great that most of the settlements are backwaters that can just be walked into, disrupting the enemy’s economy but not exactly contributing to your own. However, the trouble comes in multi-faction wars where your ally might take back settlements you lost and

Title of your.. you get the idea.

truly incredible collection of comedic talent


I will be playing Thrones of Britannia, the Total War not-too-vast game that came out last night. I had a brief play around as Circenn up in Scotland, and completely mucked up my first fight by confusing skirmishers and melee cavalry so I might start over. The starting position is an odd one because you have no

Ooh no, but that also looks lovely.

I can’t wait, it looks beautiful. They’ve gone for a bayeux-tapestry art style with a little cartoon flair. Regardless of whether the game is balanced or logical to play, at least I’ll enjoy the historical details.

I am a Zider drinker.

I used to play richii mahjong at university, which was a joint venture from the anime society and boardgame people. I can’t say I was any good at it, but I did prefer the strategic choices to ordinary mahjong. I would always end up chasing 7 pairs..

Yeah they need to spend time writing more events. I hear there’s a great mod that does this, adding hundreds of crazy things that can happen to your empire. I’m hoping the next major patch brings some major new economic or diplomatic system to keep things varied.

By 3001, if I remember the book, HAL had merged with Dave Bowman and the inherent AI or programming of the monolith to form some sort of consciousness, which doesn’t HAL was conscious to begin with, but certainly interference by the monolith may have caused him to act out.