
Huh, I also never finished the main storyline. Not because I was having trouble with fights or anything (although maybe I hadn’t run up against a nasty one yet), but I changed computer and never got around to moving the save files over. Funnily enough I was thinking about looking into that again, to scratch an RPG

Ok, well that’s something I guess.

Is the only major female character the ghost of his wife or is she properly fridged?

I’ve enjoyed sailing around solo. Maybe I’m lucky, but I’ve only encountered other players a couple of times. The first I had no treasure on board, I’d already traded it all in, and they seemed pretty intent on destroying me, so naturally I got out my accordion and started playing music whilst swimming towards their

I picked up Sea of Thieves and have been having a blast with it, what little time I’ve had anyway! I got convinced into getting it by a friend looking for crew and we spent Wednesday night doing some initial quests. By that I mean, getting distracted whilst looking for chickens. We bravely took down another vessel,

I wouldn’t feel bad about it. The same thing happened to me with the Wii - I bought it and loved playing the big initial titles, but then I wanted to play, I think it was Bioshock, so I bought a 360 and that became my preferred machine. I still used it for some convenient apps though - iPlayer straight to my TV was

One of my favourite videogame soundtracks of all time, it’s a shame I’m not really into vinyl! The sequel, We Love Katamari added some of my favourite tracks from the series, so I’ll leave you with Sunbaked Savanna:

Call of Cthulhu is great! I really hope you enjoy it. The introductory adventures in the core book are pretty neat too, and very effective at teaching former D&D players that they can’t solve everything with swords. If there’s one tip I can recommend to the Keeper/GM, it’s to let people double their skill for simple

That’s exactly the sort of reference that doesn’t have the mass-appeal this book was going for.

Surviving Mars looks very cool but I think I need to wait a bit whilst I still digest Stellaris: Apocalypse and Into the Breach. I never even played XCOM2, despite loving Enemy Unknown.. is it good?

That reminds me, I have a copy of FTL to give away on steam if anyone illustrious still hasn’t played it..

I’ve not had a lot of time this week, but managed to play a couple of games, which I lost. Normal mode is easier than FTL, yes, but I keep doing slightly stupid things. In particular, I’ve managed to completely forget that units are in the radius of an incoming bomber run and accidentally include them in the area of

I did enjoy the Papers, Please short film, to the extent that I thought it was a bit too short in the end. It was fun to spot the details though, like the football pennant and that one guy from ‘Cobrastan’.

And yet we don’t suffer from the same level of mass shootings in Europe.

I’ve really been enjoying this. I managed to win my first game (by fighting the final battle as soon as possible), but my second didn’t fare so well. I’d unlocked the team with the laser that shoots through several enemies, but I realised later that this is problematic when they are standing in front of buildings. The

1 is a prime number! I still don’t know if that was deliberately wrong or not.

The DLC itself I think lets you access the superweapons and a ship class larger than the current largest - think Imperial Dreadnought. The hordes are DLC only, funnily enough, and apparently so is a system to spend unity once you have all your traditions. When I got it, I did the usual thing I do with Paradox and

Stellaris: Apocalypse

Funny, I always pronounced the E.