
I have informed my social group with much glee.

The fella I normally play Stellaris with is away at the moment and he hasn’t had a chance to play the 2.0 patch yet, but another friend has told me how much of the game it changes (I’m curious how much Apocalypse changes over the already substantial 2.0 overhaul, though, as a lot of the things you described are in the


I was hoping to wrap up my playthrough of Kingdom Come: Deliverance last night, as I suspect I’m near the end now, but a friend of mine has just come back from overseas so we played some PUBG in the evening instead. According to Steam I am 43 hours in, so I feel about ready to offer up my opinions on the game. And,

Now playing

I was attending a trade show last week so gaming time was cut short but over the weekend and early this week, I’ve played and finished Superhot, a very stylish game with one unique mechanic: time only moves when you move.
The short story-mode (2h) is more of an extended tutorial that shows you what’s possible and

So I’d like to talk about a Pokémon introduced in Gold & Silver named Jumpluff. It’s incredibly cute, a giant dandelion seed that floats through the air without a care in the world. But, you see, Jumpluff has a problem. It’s attack is rather bad, it gets few moves that draw from those attacking stats, and those moves

I’d be more shocked and upset if a loved came out to me as a mime than as a furry. To quote Lord Vetinari, LEARN THE WORDS.

Last week, I was moaning about getting Fallout: New Vegas to work with mods. Well, it took me most of my Friday evening but I managed it.


Two-parter this week. Don’t all cheer at once.

So, uh, yeah; Prey’s really good, isn’t it? To be honest, I haven’t played it since this weekend, and I’ve only just made it back into hearing the full message from my Morgan (and by extension, no psychic powers so far). The sound is especially great, and I love its world building - even if it’s nuts that its version

J.C. wears a black trenchcoat and sunglasses indoors. Of course he’s going to get a sword at some point.


This week I have been mainly playing something called Getting Fallout: New Vegas To Run Stably With Mods and let me tell you, Dark Souls ain’t got shit on this.

In something that actually fits in with this week’s theme for once, I’m still playing Deus Ex, [SPOILERS] have made it to Hong Kong, and kinda feel at least a bit bad at killing Anna in such a ruthless, gruesome way. Even though she is a murderous totalitarian.

Hidden Identity board games are pretty common, from the “one player is the traitor” format of Shadows Over Camelot and Battlestar Galactica to the Mafia-like (or Werewolf-like, if you prefer) games with multiple roles. This latter type is the kind I want to talk about. “Bang!” is the game in this genre I have the most

Let’s talk about Bloodborne’s Brainsuckers. So these enemies are very strong; their swipes can take chunks of your health. They have a move where they grab you, suck out most of your health and steal a couple of your precious Insight points, and then throw you to the ground with little time to reposition yourself.