
When will we be over giant heads, as a culture?

Is that Blood Bowl but without a licence?

I have my heart set on sneaky-sneaky, but then I get all completionist and take forever to complete a level because I have to check everywhere for paintings. I have a feeling the game would be more of a blast on reckless kill mode, but I don’t think I know how to play that way :p

That’s twice this week I’ve been reminded of the Vengabus.. is it due for a comeback? The first was watching Outside Xbox play D&D, where the tune is apparently a famous orcish lullaby. PUBG really seems to benefit from the post-action replays.. so cinematic, as they say!

I watched the run of Baldur’s Gate 2, a game I never thought would be of interest to speed-runners, but wow, the exploits are fantastic.

I’ve started playing Dishonored 2, which is alright so far, more of the same really. The wider selection of powers is good, but I have come to learn I can’t use the special vision power the way I used to in the first game, it just doesn’t highlight things as brightly. I still find it annoying to have to switch buttons

Off the top of my head, I’m most looking forward to the Call of Cthulhu videogame, which keeps appearing on and disappearing off of my radar. I hope it gets released this year and doesn’t suck.

That’s 10 years away.

My theory is that Snoke was a force-sensitive horse-thing from the casino planet. Look at their faces side-by-side.

I really enjoyed Passpartout this year. You are a french artist, starting out in your garage, painting whatever you feel like with the barest of MS Paint tools. Quirky french stereotypes wander buy and sometimes like your work and buy it, and eventually a critic will visit and declare your work transformative or

I can confirm that this is the plan post-brexit.

There are no spoiler tags still.

I haven’t written up any of our groups D&D adventures for a couple of weeks, I need to catch up, but this weekend we’re having a special pre-christmas session whilst everyone is still around, because the party are going to face an adult green dragon, with mysterious rider, likely in its lair. They have already briefly

I’ve never beaten Normal, but I started on Easy so got that sense of accomplishment fairly early on. Good job nonetheless!

I’ve seen unbelievable manual wins before on Youtube, but they rely on strong disparities in the forces, like all cavalry vs. no spearman, or phalanxes and archers vs. nothing but footmen. These match-ups aren’t so obvious to me in TW:Warhammer, since even with the perfect unit against large things they still do

Sounds like fun!

I’ve been really busy (read demoralised) looking for a new job, so I’m behind on commenting, but up on videogames. I recently completed my first full game of Total War: Warhammer as the Empire, yes, the first one, because it was on sale. It was quite enjoyable, although I couldn’t win a single battle manually against

On Saturday we’re going to start Pandemic Legacy Season 2! I’m excited to rebuild after civilization is destroyed..

My Pocket Camp code is 4412 9055 801 and I shall be adding anyone here :)

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?