
D&D Report

I actually don’t object to DLC, or season passes to be honest. I’m an avid Paradox GSG fan. I object to selling things in game and especially when the things you buy are given out randomly.

So what you’re saying is that the publishers are greedy bastards, because none of those games that were considered ‘failures’ actually made a loss, did they? They just didn’t rake every possible dime out of our pockets. Taken to the logical extreme, and games like NBA 2K18 are bravely pushing in that direction, we

It is a bit of a shame, given that Tolkien’s works are much more low key. Yes, the stakes are extremely serious, but the heroes are not particularly overpowered (Gandalf excepted), and their character development is on a personal rather than your standard RPG numerical level. Yes, they gain magic items, but those are

Can I get a universal condemnation of microtransactions? Specifically, even, of random loot boxes that are basically gambling with training wheels?

Anyone want to post it to me in Europe? Pretty please?

The soundtrack is gorgeous, regardless of the game itself. I’ve no love for difficult platformers so I’ll stick to just listening.

I had no exposure to anime (ok, I think I watched Samurai Pizza Cats when I was a kid) until university, where some friends were absolutely Into It. I didn’t see the appeal, neither in the style nor themes, but at least one friend was very patient with me and whenever there was going to be anime and I was around, I

The intro credits have to be inspired by Fringe. The theme too!

He was also engaged to be married as a child, and that wasn’t mentioned until absolutely necessary.

Genesis was a device that created ‘protomatter’ - which is similar to the basic particles of life that Stamets was talking about, the ones that are responsible for panspermia (that’s the theory that explains why all Star Trek species are roughly humanoid, because they came from the same origins of life, and evolution

There’s a good chance that Lorca is Section 31, invoked because there’s a war on. It only seems to present itself when such things are going on.

It looks great from everything I’ve seen.. I might finally play the first iteration - I presume it’s cheap by now..

Well that only took them hours to fix. Now for the D&D Report:

Warlords aren’t around as an explicit class, but you can make a solid equivalent with a Battlemaster Fighter, or a Skald Bard, and the feat that lets your allies heal better. There could yet be a more specific subclass.

I’m off to Essen at the end of October, and after sitting out last year to take a break, I’ll be competing once again in the Europemasters tournament. The games this year are First Class (nominally about trains), Great Western Trail (driving cattle in the old west), Lorenzo il Magnifico (worker placement, very

Oh I love Twilight Imperium and I’m excited for the new edition. I might not get a copy though, because finding willing players is a bit of a challenge.

If players are avoiding each other’s routes in Ticket to Ride then they’re playing pretty badly. If you need to go from A to B, always use the route that’s most likely to make difficulties for other players.

I enjoy playing games that take >24 hours to complete, but Ticket to Ride still hits a sweet spot where you feel like you’re making solid strategic moves, but there’s an element of luck, and any other player might suddenly steal the route you’ve been eyeing. The best map is Europe, hands down. Nordic Countries is

The worst recent boss I fought was Deathshead, from Wolfenstein: The New Order. What a pain in the ass that arena was. I think it took me >10 attempts, with a break of days in the middle.