
I’ve watched some gameplay and Rosario Dawson deserves more voice acting work, she does a great job.

Prophets be with you.


No idea but I’ll upvote you for that insight.

Come on, at least he blew himself sky high.

My observations, slightly late to the party. It feels like a Star Trek story, but stylistically it’s different to what we’re used to. Honestly, it’s the sort of story I could imagine a double episode of in late TNG or more likely DS9. Some details bugged me, but the show definitely deserves a chance to show what else

I feel compelled to tell you that language evolves.

It’s fun to roleplay the council members’ responses to the party’s reports, and I’m hoping they pick up on who doesn’t like them so they can try to fix it. They’ll get plenty of warnings if someone’s going to break away from the council, but at the same time it might not be palatable to go against your character’s

I hear there’s a follow-up game to Captain Sonar coming out that’s better with fewer players, or something along those lines.

I never played Icewind Dale when it first came out, because I heard from a friend how much he preferred it to Baldur’s Gate, apparently because there wasn’t as much dialogue to read..

Agreed. I think people are making an extra special effort to keep at least this comments section vibrant and interesting.

Divinity: OS1 is still on my wishlist, so yeah, 2 would be awesome to play too. I was just reading it supports 4-player coop too, which is a rare thing indeed, and would be surely the most awesome way to play it..

Funny you should mention D&D, because my group have started playing again, a new campaign, or rather the followup to the previous one. I’m documenting it properly over on my own website, which is just about barely functional at this point, but I hope you find it of interest:

On topic++

Can we have a wacky run down of the character roster?

I don’t know if you get in the US (it’s hard to find in Europe anyway) but my favourite cola is Red Bull Cola. It’s just the brand name, it doesn’t contain any of that nasty energy drink, but I really like the taste.

If anything, this strengthens the argument that hunting can be done virtually these days, and conservation can be prioritised over stupid hunting.

Shh don’t tell Kotaku! We’re friendly and nice to each other over here.

Less blogroll, more places where I can actually see articles that have been posted in the last 48 hours or so without scrolling infinitely.

Too bad they never made Reg Barclay: Ace Detective.