
I definitely find it a lot harder to simply find articles I want to read amidst the blogroll. In the comments, the ordering is a shame, and stuff sometimes disappears, and I hate having to click over and over to see more, but at least notifications allow for conversation.

Maybe after he’s taken over Jeopardy from Trebek and hosted for a few years..

Actually I’m wearing a different pin that was my engagement equivalent when she asked me to marry her, a stylised pigeon.

Yes! Glad someone got that bit. The pin timing is coincidental.

The badges go back to the days of Gameological’s independent existence. When John did the AMA on reddit to promote his show I asked if I could finally have one (having contributed a couple of articles to the site) and he said he would sort it out. Also to remind him in case nothing emerged, but in the end I only had

I got a letter this week from a very important television personality:

Because, of course, the olympics have nothing to do with violence. Well, except that the ancient games had a basis in disciplines important to the greek soldier. Also the shooting, and archery. Oh and the multiple martial arts disciplines such as judo, karate, taekwondo. I suppose modern pentathlon was based on

You Sir, should not be trapped in the grey.

Cool, this is very useful information. I’ll put it off a couple of weeks then and get the full experience!

I saw they were releasing a DLC, and you’re saying it’ll be integrated into the main game rather than post-ending or something?

Did anyone else go through Ravenholm killing only with the town’s sign and gravity gun?

You’ve got the touch!

It’s obviously from a giant Maester.

Some of you may be aware that Paradox Interactive made a controversial price change a few months back, and then reversed their decision after complaints. Anyway, as compensation they have been giving away a game or two DLC to those outside the US who suffered this injustice. So I will play Tyranny this weekend.

It’d be really good if the listing for a particular show’s episode reviews didn’t give you a preview of the text. Spoilers, right?


This needs a gimmick account.

Why do americans dislike draws so much? I’ve never understood that. I get the comparison with war though, since the aim is really for your squad to take an enemy position. If you’d never heard of it you’d think it was unarmed battle drills.

I think you’re thinking a level above me. I’ve no idea how varied strategies are within the rules. What I meant was that the aim of the game, getting the ball to the other end using your players, gets contrived into segments of trying to advance short distances, where you have a number of attempts until you succeed or

Good luck with this. American Football is one of the most impenetrable activities I’ve ever come across. It seems so contrived, the way the rules force the teams to behave in a particular way, where the motion of the game is what matters, not the actual goal, by which I mean the aim, not the literal goal. Brilliant