
Also, please rewrite the entire CSS because my monitor is going to burn out in half the time with this much whitespace.

You finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! God damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Worse, the only console left functional is an Ouya.

Woah there, Kinja.

Can you still get Nordic countries? It has the prettiest trains.

I'd love to hear about Pandemic Legacy Season 2 also, as well as the 4th edition of Twilight Imperium if you see it!

I think that's the next map I'd like to get!

They should have used the meeting Tyrion set up to kidnap Jamie and have him go north to see the wights.

Roleplaying has been hit and miss over the summer, with people rotating out on holiday and some big life events coming up to pre-empt our otherwise weekly sessions. But the plan is to start the next big campaign in mid-September: the second half of the first D&D 5e campaign, Rise of Tiamat. I'm going back over my own

Caravan is winnable nearly every time once you understand it - just read a quick guide. It's a good way to make a bunch of money early in the game, even if you have a low luck (whereas gambling proper is incredible if you have luck 5+ or so).

Ticket to Ride is great! The European version is the definitive edition for me, because it adds just a little bit extra compared with the US map, offering you some risk management with tunnel construction, and stations to prevent you being completely screwed over by other players. Of the many other maps, we also have

Amy's new design purpose is to smash the patriarchy, hence the hammer.

I definitely prefer the Street Fighter movie - its camp has aged much better, and the cast was always much higher quality.

Fun fact: I once ran a D&D game at my house in Cambridge for some people who were filming a sort of actor-recreated documentary about the creation of Elite. There were two actors playing Braben and Bell, and they were confused about being asked to roll dice, whilst we were confused about being asked to look excited.

I've been away nearly 6 years now and I am super excited about the new train station!

The Daily Mail would publish a scare story that links bio-engineering to cancer.
The Daily Express would have done a front page special demanding to know why that technology wasn't used to save Princess Di. The Sun would ask a Page 3 girl where she would draw the line when it comes to medical intervention to save

Civ VI just got an update, and a new civilization in Nubia. They are still balancing, with slight penalties for wide strategies and slight bonuses for tall ones, and a boost to the poor Vikings. They're annoyingly still putting in basic UI features too, yet another sign that they never actually finished the game

*starts a new game of Stardew Valley*

Brendan's Battlegrounds, please.

I caught that episode and, like most of the stuff he's in, I had a sudden 'that's David Warner!' moment. He's really quite prolific, and apparently humble about it, which is lovely.