
Taking the approach of the Roman empire will only get you so far. I suppose the CSA could have gone for late colonialism, like Italy did before WWII, and then maintained control of portions of africa or central/south america to keep a supply of slaves, but then.. one of the many reasons that countries withdrew from

I could see that sort of thing existing through the early 20th century, but then fascism / total war policy would mean working prisoners until they die, or eliminating ethnic minorities on principle. The rest of the world would also have to be complicit, otherwise economic sanctions would make this sort of justice

Last weekend and this past week I've finally got around to playing The Witness and it's definitely something I should have done sooner. I'm sure plenty of people got bored of 'the same' puzzle over and over, but I loved the elegance of a single concept with continual addition to the rules that you understand. It was

I've read a lot of alternate history, and what bothers me about the premise is how on earth slavery could have survived to become a modern institution. At the time it was barely economically sustainable, so unless they degraded their treatment of slaves down to the levels of soviet gulags, I can't see how or why it

"The Reddit user who initially claimed credit for President Donald Trump's tweet that showed Trump tackling CNN issued an apology Tuesday for the video and other offensive content he posted — one day after CNN identified the man behind the account and attempted to make contact with him."

Honestly, CNN shouldn't have bothered finding out who this guy was over that stupid gif. Suggesting that they'll reveal his name if he.. makes more? Is that 'old tricks'? sounds pretty coercive just to protect what, their logo?

There isn't enough roleplaying tourism. I've played D&D in the London Dungeon, and the Guildhall, but those were singular events. Providence had a Lovecraft tour, but that ran barely twice a year from what I could tell, and there was no roleplaying to be had.

Getting your preferred set of Witcher gear at max level is worth it. The billion question marks at sea in Skellige are not. Mind you, I did learn that you can crossbow whilst sailing that way.

Alas, the canon epilogue says he retires to a cottage and never manages to write a decent poem if the investigators don't help him whilst he was on board the train.

Roleplaying Update

I finished Wolfenstein: The New Order last weekend, and yes, some parts of it were a chore. My recommendation would be to set it on easiest difficulty and just blast your way through enjoying the schlock instead of dying to the final boss 15 times.

No, they'd describe it as lieblich.

EA: We're enveloping the bar and extracting it's highly profitable vital fluids.

I haven't run that one myself, but my favourite piece of interactive fiction is the Hastur-centric King of Shreds and Patches:…

You get used to that in Call of Cthulhu campaigns, but it was quite jarring to lose so many at once this time. Fortunately we had the retired character to act as mentor-at-a-distance whenever the plot needed clarifying.

Coincidentally, I watched that episode of DS9 very recently, and it was indeed like a more gruesome version, since the shapeshifter has to skin the victim to take on their form *grin*

Roleplaying Update

Great Job, Internet!

Cheers! I'll try to keep it up until the campaign is done, which is only a couple more sessions. After that, we haven't decided whether to do another Cthulhu campaign, or just some one-offs over summer, because people are always away on 'holidays' or something.

Roleplaying Update