
I also finished Witcher 3 last weekend, with the same bittersweet ending, which I was quite satisfied with. I'm not going to go onwards to the DLC though. As much as I appreciate the world-building and the detailed stories that go into each quest, I was starting to get a bit fed up of doing the same thing, the same

Also a correction: Avalon Hill is a subsidary of Wizards of the Coast, itself owned by Hasbro that produces boardgames. It used to be an independent company before it was taken over. They produced classics such as the original Civilization boardgame, and Advanced Squad Leader, and now I guess they still produce Axis

> Get ye flask

I do! Why just recently my Bard convinced some hill giants to follow an illusory herd of cows into a trap. Sadly the trap didn't spring as well as I hoped, because apparently some Paladins think that cows can actually talk.


Poor victims of Bloated Head Disease.

How tall is Imhotep?

I tried to finish it last weekend. I got to the battle at Kaer Morhen, convinced it was the finale, what with the save game warning and dramatic return of all major characters. I was wrong. Now my enthusiasm has waned a little.

Oh no, we can't fully explore the concepts we introduce, they're only there to serve our story purpose.

This was a gloriously weird show that will always remind me of my college friend Graham, whose sad refrain upon being reminded that the show was cancelled still echoes in my mental image of him.

When we first see the stereotypical Dakotan lady (who invoked heavy Fargo flashbacks) coming down the hallway of her apartment building, I thought right away of when you see Kaysen in the hallway with his dalmatian.

There's a moment early in the game that acts as a nice parallel for the conflict between your humanity and desire for survival. When you're first told by January that you have to destroy everything, it sounds noble, but then December shows up and says wait, you don't have to do that, you can survive this. Shortly

I propose any new show start with Sisko coming back from the wormhole aliens to find that a dramatic amount of time has passed, and thus we have ample excuses to explain the new status quo in the galaxy, whilst allowing for wonderful cameos and callbacks for at least the first few episodes (ie: the show actually

I've been meaning to write more about recent roleplaying adventures, but I just don't have the time on Fridays at the moment. I'll probably be playing some Stellaris on the weekend, experimenting with a biologically-focused hive mind, finding out how bad the current bugs are. I was really keen on Birthdays: the

You take that back about The Mole.

Hell yes. I was very glad that Moldova got through to the final. I also liked Greece, and Sweden was growing on me. Belgium though, wtf was that deadpan single note whining from a girl who looked like she was only there because her family were being held captive somewhere in Brussels?

Tell me about it, I want to start any number of recent solid games but I'm terrified of the time commitment. It gets weirdly amplified too when you decide you're only going to play through something once, to save time, except that you end up being super perfectionist-completionist so it probably takes longer than two

More AARPeaks.

That's canon.

I fall for it every time.