
More like.. clueless stupid? He introduced himself like he was meeting someone at an inn rather than during a home invasion. Then when challenged to stand out and explain himself, he just said no and then retreated. Hence they kept attacking. Kind of dopey really. He spent the first few sessions of the campaign asking

Well they thought the ultimate bad guy was hiding there, when in fact she'd already left and 'forgot' to tell the housemistress that she was likely to be followed. There was a brief attempt at conversation (she is actually quite open to making a deal), but it failed because the Paladin tends to say.. stupid things.

D&D Report

It already exists on Greenlight I think, or maybe it was Kickstarter.

That badminton mode is genius.

I think it's obvious that I should win this.

Bioshock taught me to be a better photographer in the middle of a melee. Quickly change to the camera! Take a shot! Change back to shotgun and keep blasting away!

There are people who play the classic editions, definitely. The current edition has skewed back in that direction too, much less hardcoding in the rules, much more DM fiat.

Halflings will eat anything, won't they?

I've had Never Alone in my steam library for a year now, should I play it?

Glad to hear you're enjoying it. It's up for Spiel des Jahres this year, so that's quite a coup for Czech Games. I believe they're also working on a follow-up that will use pictographs instead of words, but basically follow the same rules. Sure, no double entendres, but the same level of flexibility in interpreting

Everyone knows you can cut the straps. All armour has straps ;)

D&D Report

Ah so they're making a boardgame version? Interesting, but I'm a bit wary about how it works with different numbers of players. Ideally I'd like a player per character, and then the rest of the game scales accordingly, but it sounds like your residents are more of a resource and that seems a bit detached. On the other

That staircase is a health and safety nightmare! A railing would be a step in the right direction.

If they had rested, then there might have been a counter-attack, and perhaps the Lizardmen wouldn't stand up to the cultists. They didn't want to take chances - in fact they were more worried that the commander would escape through the portal without divulging what he knows. They didn't consider that he wanted the

D&D Report

Conway worked really hard on those cellular automata, so that's just mean.

His criticisms were totally legitimate, the problem is that IGN regularly throws out 9.8s for total crap, so the score felt 'unfair' to people who expected their usual obliviousness.

That got fixed, but yeah, one guy went nuts.