Chanting Tantrum

Definitely something I should look further into as ive never heard that one before.

hahahah I dont know if you’re being sarcastic but I definitely took pause and then pictured her at age 11 trying to play those roles in front of a mirror and I can say that I get it... I do.

I think Kanye thinks that what he says will provoke something (in this particular instance, he thinks he’s provoking love) but everyone takes what he says with a grain of salt. He’s not living on planet Earth. Yes. He’s very entertaining.

Kanye West reminds me EXACTLY of my brother who is a genious but also a high-functioning weirdo. He has Aspergers (if you believe in Aspergers) and if given the chance goes on very similar rants as Kanye.

I am with you on this. He does have great stage presence but I dont know that he always comes off as funny. I do like him. He has a certain je ne sais quoi.

She seems chilled out for the most part. I like how she took a moment to step away from the spotlight where that could have been risky. And here she is, and seems like she has a good head on her shoulders and back in Hollywood.

It doesnt surprise me one bit the Victoria doesnt want to go on tour. Could you picture her on a tour bus or even flying around, living outside of her comfort only to please other people?

I know! And praise Sabraw and Gelernt for their work on this. Im going to enjoy this news right now until something else I read brings me down.

YESSSSS AWESOME! My heart can finally breath a little bit. I hope the stipulation of “unfit parent” isnt a loophole they choose to use in their defense in continuing to keep some parents separated from their child. I also hope they turn around and sue the crap out of this administration.

OMG is his name Adam? I could have written this exact paragraph!

Agreed, this article is full of hate. It could have been written in a way that could have brought more power to this issue.

Exactly what I was thinking! I would rather have someone like this guy, who isnt happy about this whole scenario, continue to work there and ensure these kids are doing as good as they can be given the situation. 

Thanks for saying this. I dont feel bad but just when I have an inkling that maybe I was getting crazy about it, I just think to myself she couldnt say it was cruel. Why couldnt she just admit it was cruel?!?!

i ended a friendship over this exact rhetoric last night. And i would do it again.

The story behind this photo is so gut-wrenching. I wish I know what happened to them when they were taken away.


bump bump bump!!!!

Right?!?!??! This is exactly what keeps coming to mind. They are taking this shit way too seriously

I went through a week of asking myself what I can do. And the ACLU is one of the very few organizations that are getting anywhere but it doesnt seem to be fast enough.